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Marsha YuanYang Music

I can't believe how fast 2015 has flown by.  There are only 2 months left before the start of another new year!  And, it has definitely been an amazing year of challenging myself with the 2 one "wo"man shows that I put on already this year.  But, the performance bug in me didn't stop there because I am now in the process of rehearsing for one last show to end 2015.  I wanted to keep my next show a little more simple and focus more on the music.  No need for the added dance and storytelling....j...Read more

9 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

What do you eat for breakfast when you can't have eggs???

coconutyogurt #banana #gojiberries with #pear #healthyfood #healthyoptions #breakfast #breakfasttime #morning #healthy #healthyeating #rawcoconut #foodcraft #rawcoconutyogurt #dairyfree #breakie

8 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Day 7 of he #loveyourpolechallenge nominated by Natalie Merritt and Christy Yiuyiu

This is an old photo but I thought I'd share at least one trick on the pole. Tricks are more beautiful when you focus on the lines of your body. Doing a handspring with bent legs and flexed feet would be an entirely different looking pose. I think when tricks can be done smoothly, gracefully and seem effortless...that's when you've truly mastered the pose. It's not about the quantity of tricks but the quality!

I nominate my pole friends at #thechromebar i...Read more

8 年多 前 1 赞  暂无评论  0 shares

Day 6 of the #loveyourpolechallenge nominated by Natalie Merritt and Christy Yiuyiu

Today is my teaching day so I haven't had time to post. But, I wanna just quickly post this yoga pole pose. I love how yoga has helped me get stronger as a pole dancer! And I even get some yogis into my pole classes.

I nominate Bernadette Leung and Lorraine Lau to post for 7 days and nominate 2 people each day!!! Be inspired!!!

8 年多 前 30 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

It's M.Y.MUSIC time! And for this weeks post I'd like to give a shout out to my friend Adrian Da Silva. Thanks for playing guitar for his song! Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!

8 年多 前 3 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Day 5 of the #loveyourpolechallenge nominated by Natalie Merritt and Christy Yiuyiu

Here's another photo taken for #aerialartsacademy by #poleninjaphotography @aerialartsacademy

People think pole dancing is all about stripping and being sexy, but I think it shows beauty, grace, and strength. I hope people will realize how amazing of an art it really is. I'm proud to be a part of it.

I nominate Arturo Melendez L and Eddie Villanueva because you 2 are male, strong and beautiful! And I want to see you on the pole???

8 年多 前 66 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Photo by #ninjapolephotography #aerialartsacademy Aerial Arts Academy 舞上雲霄學院

8 年多 前 113 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Day 4 of the #loveyourpolechallenge nominated by Natalie Merritt and Christy Yiuyiu

This was taken at the last photo shoot that I did for Aerial Arts Academy 舞上雲霄學院 photos by #ninjapolephotography


Pole dancing has really been monumental in my life because it has changed the way I feel about my body. I love how confident, strong, and sexy it makes me feel.

I'm gonna nominate 2 of my strong students Esther Gonzaga and Amy Chan because you girls are confident, strong and sexy! You have to post for 7 days and nomi...Read more

8 年多 前 40 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Day 3 of the #loveyourpolechallenge nominated by Natalie Merritt and Christy Yiuyiu

Here's a flashback pole photo of me in the first year that I was pole dancing and teaching. I have Ania Przeplasko to thank for bringing pole into my life and training me up to be one of the first instructors for Aerial Arts and Pure Fitness Official Page

Which brings me to this...it's also about the attitude you put into your routine that can make you stand out in competition or in performance. If you're only about tricks and your face and body language h...Read more

8 年多 前 36 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Day 2 of the #loveyourpolechallenge here's a little sequence I was working on today for my next poleography for my classes.

I nominate my students Maggie Luk and Ellen Or you have to post for 7 days and nominate 2 people each day. I hope this will encourage you to grow as pole dancers and set goals for yourself!!!

8 年多 前 31 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007