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I Made Cookies! + LV Temptationz...|自製曲奇! + LV 誘惑...|自制曲奇! + LV 诱惑...

I Made Cookies from scratch (just in case someone thinks i'm cheating) for the 1st time ever!  I don't have an electric blender at home. So each time we bake a cake or cookies, it's like doing a workout before we consume all the butter and flour and sugar and chocolate...btw, it's a Chocolate Chip Corn Flake Cookie !Frankly speaking, not self praise....it taste pretty GOOOOD !!!  **** *After seeing all these tempting images onlineAfter work yesterday, coincidentally I stubbled upon the Louis Vuitton store at Landmark while waiting for my transport..... I guess you guessed I must have bought one of those .............twicetwice i tried to get out of the storeBut we (rozy and I...who else?)  ended up paying....for a gift for our SUPER MUM!Got her a PINK outfit for Chinese New Year !!! Yeah !!She'll be soooo happy I'm sure!Check this out  , so cute!The Eating Chair*** Quiz timeguesswhich color is NIGO??hey guys, it's time to learn how to tie bow-tieVideo:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5TqdcmjZ2I**** | 我第一次從零開始自製曲奇(以防有人認為我作假)!  我家裡沒有電動攪拌機,所以在我們每次焗蛋糕或曲奇之前,攪拌這所有的牛油、麵粉、糖和巧克力之前好像先做了場鍛煉...順道介紹一下,這是一個巧克力玉米片曲奇!坦白地說,不是自誇....它味道很好呢!!!  **** ****在網上看過這些誘人的圖片後昨天完成工作等待接送車子的時候,我 恰巧在置地廣場的LV店停留了一會..... 我相信你會猜想我必定會購買其中一個.............


兩次我很想買 但我們(rozy和我...還有誰?)最終也付款....買了一份送給我們超級母親作禮物!

給她買了 粉紅色的裝備過農曆新年!Yeah!

我敢肯定她將十分高興!*看看這個 ,很可愛!會吃人的椅子* 問答時間猜猜 哪個顏色的才是 NIGO??嘿各位,該學習如何打蝴蝶結領結了Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5TqdcmjZ2I**** | 我第一次从零开始自制曲奇(以防有人认为我作假)!  我家里没有电动搅拌机,所以在我们每次焗蛋糕或曲奇之前,搅拌这所有的牛油、面粉、糖和巧克力好像先做了场锻炼...顺道介绍一下,这是一个巧克力玉米片曲奇!坦白地说,不是自夸....它味道很好呢!!!  **** ****在网上看过这些诱人的图片后昨天完成工作等待接送车子的时候,我 恰巧在置地广场的LV店停留了一会... 我相信你会猜想我必定会购买其中一个.............


两次我很想买 但我们(rozy和我...还有谁?)最终也付款....买了一份送给我们超级母亲作礼物!

给她买了 粉紅色的装备过农历新年!Yeah!

我敢肯定她将十分高兴! *看看这个 ,很可爱!会吃人的椅子* 问答时间猜猜 哪个颜色的才是 NIGO??嘿各位,该学习如何打蝴蝶结领结了Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5TqdcmjZ2I****

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  40 comments  0 shares
Photo 37580
Heh pretty cool. Dunno bout the corn flakes though =p
almost 16 years ago
Photo 43244
DiDi wants cookie!!!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 214991
Definately has that home made look ;) lol I'm sure it taste GGGGood!!!?
almost 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
woah, where's the alivenotdead.com donation! ;-)
almost 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
kon ya mo baggie pants!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 96013
pink outfit for mom's present^^how sweet^^if you have a chance,show us her wearing that~. and...TOTORO's eating chair~wow:Din that amine,I love"cat bus"(do you know?). oh...LV temptationz~must be hard against for it:PI've checked that rose printed ones are so lovely~^^
almost 16 years ago
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
I knew you couldn't resist the LV..... I still like your camo yo!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 54026
Ha, sweet cookies!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 38281
haha but they still sure look good thats forsure =P what you only baked one star and a heart?
almost 16 years ago
Photo 22998
Whenever you come out to LA - forget about beverly hills or the beach or clubs... we're going over to kelly's house and we'er making some cookies!
almost 16 years ago


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