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Patricia Liu
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曾經看兩篇頗有趣的故事, 詳情如下 : --

1./ 美國太空總署NASA(Nation Aeronautics And Space Administration)發現太空人不能在太空使用墨水筆, 因為墨水在低溫無重力狀態下是寫不出來的, 所以NASA用了很多資源和時間努力研製溫無重力墨水筆。 多年以後研究成功, 新太空墨水筆出現了, 可喜可賀! 但另一邊廂, 俄羅斯的太空人亦遇上同一問題, 結果他們用了最簡單的方法就能解決問題了, 方法就是 - 他們選擇了鉛筆。

2./ 另一則故事, 日本某一間大品牌的化妝廠發現其中的一些洗面皂的包裝內並沒有洗面皂, 那可對公司的形象大打折扣, 結果他們選擇在出貨以前, 安裝了X-光監察器去確定空盒情況不再出現。而另一間化妝品公司遇上同樣的問題, 而他們就選擇用風扇吹著那些盒, 輕到會被風吹起的, 就是空空如也。方法既省錢又省時間和實用。

從以上這兩則的故事, 給的啟發可謂非常以大, 首先很多時候, 人們的想法都偏向複雜化, 很多Solution往往就早在身邊, 可必要鑽牛角尖呢!

第二, 正因為美國人和日本人一向都比較執著, 所以他們才可以有這麼多驚世發明, 沒有他們的堅持和執著, 現今的生活水平...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

money cant buy quality?

i am a chinese, in certain way, you can even call me a very traditional chinese. however. no matter how strong the financial growth in china are these days, i still dont foresee this country to become the biggest country in the world. not in the next 20 - 30 years.

the other day, i was watching a TV programme, shoot in some country-side of china, the theme is the "one child policy". this farmer's family has their first-born girl few years ago and this year, they have another baby boy. actually, they are qualified...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares

cats killer

one of my daily habbit is read the newspaper either in morning or at night, no matter what, i need to read the newspaper everyday. but then, reading newspaper everyday, makes you feel sad, angry, frustrated...etc. this morning when i saw how that crazy cats killer killed the cats. i am so angry and sad. how can any sick bastard do things like this to poor animals. those cats already dont have home, live on the streets, eating rubbish from the garbage, probably fleas are all on them, ...etc. i just cant imagine any asshole could have done t...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares




想深一層,為何大家想生小孩?理由都不外那幾個 – 我好喜歡小朋友、延續下一代、係時候生個小朋友……等等,其實都係為自己,所有出發點都是從自己出發,就借簡而清先生的一句說話舉例 :「父母生我非為我」(當然簡先生的這句說話包含另一意思。)

生命 = 死亡,生離死別,離鄉別井,大小病痛…. 等這些都是人生無可避免的,有思想就有煩惱、有感覺就有痛苦。若你是信上帝耶穌,試想想上帝創造亞當、夏娃,安排他們居住在伊甸園,目的不是要他們傳宗接代,只是他們違背了神的旨意,才被放逐,,夏娃才要接受生育之苦。


相反,小動物好像貓貓狗狗等,都是依靠動物本能來生存,至少不需要亦不會思考什麼是「生命」、「生命的意義何在?」….. 某程度上,可能做貓貓狗狗比做小孩子來得更開心更幸福。 (倬彤)

over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


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洛杉磯, 美國
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October 24, 2007