Pat Lee
导演, 画家
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Garage Works Gallery Event - Pictures/Video|Garage Works作品展 - 照片/視頻|Garage Works作品展 - 照片/视频

AnD Friends,

I wanted to first thank you all who came and those who supported the event. It was an incredible turnout and for those that couldn’t come – you can still check out the gallery at Garage Works as it will be there for another 3 weeks.

It was nice to see such a great pool of friends and talent all come together from music, illustrative arts, stage performance artists, actors/actresses, directors and producers and people of art interest to show up at the gallery. What’s most important is that we all support each other in all of our creative interests to bring unique ideas to the Hong Kong scene. We have such a great pool of talent and whether those who are super professional from those who are just starting out – these events are great for everyone to get together to bring concepts and ideas throughout all areas into the creative scene. Anyways, here are some pictures and videos from the gallery:Video:http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=3Pbuez61Cik[![](/attachments/2008/12/23160_200812210450501.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=1767174)It got a lil packed before 8pm @_@uhm.. It got a little more packed after 8:30pm...No we're not cutting a cake, were making a T-shirt thanks to Ducky![](/attachments/2008/12/23160_200812210450503.thumb.jpg)Here is a shot of the back of the gallery - where whine was being served and more of my artwork displayed.One of th shoes I designed. It's named after a killer goldfish.Yup and here is the three amigos.Hey cool - was nice to se Jin there hangin out.Jian and Sil looked like superheroes themselves. :)Here is the DJ for the night - you rocked Arne. ;)Nice to see my cousin Kev who came to HK on holiday and to see my inker from Toronto - Craig Yeung who was also there.48 hours later - we all had a mini Christmas dinner before V left town. AnD here is US - blazing red hot in these super christmas santa hats - too bad they don't glow hardcore, would be nice. haha! Always good to be in good company, with good friends.

Many had shared their thanks and appreciation to bringing this art gallery event, but it’s my thanks to you for all who supported this event, supported others who were there and have the intent and inspiration to bring creative innovation throughout the art culture in Asia.  We all shared, laughed, drank whine and brought creative synergy together and that’s what was mainly worth having such an event.  – so, it’s my thanks to you for bringing that creative interest and synergy to us all.

My special thanks goes out the Vanness Wu who came all the way from Taiwan on his busy schedule to attend the event, what a great supporter for the creative industry and very excited to have him attend. God bless to you brother – Jaycee and Andrew Lien as well as all the other professional talent that came out that night to support.  I would also like to thank Arne for spinning that night – awesome music. Also thank you to all of the news press and magazines who have written articles about the event, you also made this event very special. Let us all continue to collectively make an impact whether it be just Asia or internationally – and keep the vibe flowin.

God Bless and looking forward to seeing you again in another future event.


EndFragment |AnD 的朋友們,

首先,我想謝謝各位前來支持這個活動。這次活動很成功,如果你們還沒有來的話,還有3個禮拜時間到Garage Works的畫廊觀賞。


Video:http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=3Pbuez61Cik[![](/attachments/2008/12/23160_200812210450501.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=1767174)8點前這兒有一點擠 @_@uhm.. 8:30以後這兒變得再擠一點...我們不是切蛋糕, 我們在弄一件襯衫! 謝謝 Ducky![](/attachments/2008/12/23160_200812210450503.thumb.jpg)這是畫廊的後面 - 葡萄酒在此供應,還陳列了我的更多作品。我設計的鞋子之一,名字叫"金魚殺手之後"。沒錯,三個好朋友。酷 - 很開心見到Jin在這。Jian 和 Sil 很像超級英雄 :)當晚的DJ - 你很棒 Arne ;)真的很開心堂弟Kev 趁假期到香港來參觀我在多倫多畫的作品 - Craig Yeung 也來啦48個小時後,在V離開之前我們有個迷你聖誕晚餐AnD 這就是我們 - 帶了烈燄火紅的聖誕帽子。可惜他們不會發亮,不然效果更好,哈哈! 和好朋友們在一起永遠都很開心。

很多人分享了他們對這個畫廊的感謝及感激,不過我想謝謝的是你們前來支持這個活動,支持所有亞洲藝術創作。我們分享、開玩笑、喝葡萄酒還有一起協力創作。這也是我們舉辦這個活動的最大價值 - 在此我特別要感謝你們帶來創作的興趣和合作。

特別感謝吳建豪從百忙中抽時間從臺灣來參加這個活動,這是一份對創作界的熱情。願主保佑你兄弟 - 房祖名、連凱,以及其他到場支持的專業人士。我還想謝謝Arne做當晚DJ - 很棒的音樂! 謝謝各界有份報導的媒體朋友們,你們令這個活動生色不少。讓我們一起繼續對亞洲或全世界產生影響 - 源源不斷。



EndFragment | AnD 的朋友们,

首先,我想谢谢各位前来支持这个活动。这次活动很成功,如果你们还没有来的话,还有3个礼拜时间到Garage Works的画廊观赏。

真的很开心有这么多朋友前来支持,还有从事音乐、作画、表演工作者、演员、导演、製作人和其他喜爱艺术的人们到来。最重要的是我们所有人都支持大家的创作兴趣,这为香港带来独特的灵感。我们有这么多有才华的人,无论是超级职业的还是刚刚开始的,这些活动对所有人带来的概念和灵感对于创作也是相当的激励。以下是本次活动的一些照片和视频。Video:http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=3Pbuez61Cik[![](/attachments/2008/12/23160_200812210450501.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=1767174)8点前这儿有一点挤 @_@uhm.. 8:30以后这儿变得再挤一点...我们不是切蛋糕,我们在弄一件衬衫! 谢谢 Ducky![](/attachments/2008/12/23160_200812210450503.thumb.jpg)这是画廊的后面 - 葡萄酒在此供应,还陈列了我的更多作品。我设计的鞋子之一,名字叫"金鱼杀手之后"。沒錯,三個好朋友。酷 - 很开心见到Jin在这。Jian 和 Sil 很像超级英雄 :)当晚的DJ - 你很棒 Arne ;)真的很开心堂弟Kev 趁假期到香港来参观我在多伦多画的作品 - Craig Yeung 也来啦48个小时后,在V离开之前我们有个迷你圣诞晚餐AnD 这就是我们 - 带了烈燄火红的圣诞帽子。可惜他们不会发亮,不然效果更好,哈哈! 和好朋友们在一起永远都很开心。

很多人分享了他们对这个画廊的感谢及感激,不过我想谢谢的是你们前来支持这个活动,支持所有亚洲艺术创作。我们分享、开玩笑、喝葡萄酒还有一起协力创作。这也是我们举办这个活动的最大价值 - 在此我特别要感谢你们带来创作的兴趣和合作。

特别感谢吴建豪从百忙中抽时间从台湾来参加这个活动,这是一份对创作界的热情。愿主保佑你兄弟 - 房祖名、连凯,以及其他到场支持的专业人士。我还想谢谢Arne做当晚DJ - 很棒的音乐! 谢谢各界有份报导的媒体朋友们,你们令这个活动生色不少。让我们一起继续对亚洲或全世界产生影响 - 源源不断。




大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  26 评论s  0 shares
Photo 310862
Congratulations! I was going to come to your event but I was sick that day :( Thanks for sharing all the great photos and videos, fabulous work!
大约 16 年 ago
Congratulations man !!! awsome pics too ....
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 261052
Its was an awesome event!! Great work to all of you!! I thank all of you for putting this much work and organizing this!! You guys rocked!! Cheers and bring us more of the good stuff!!
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 61114
Congratulations on a great event! It was cool to see your work through the years as well as your new stuff like ORIUS. Looking forward to seeing more out of both you and Chris/GarageWorks!
大约 16 年 ago
大约 16 年 ago
AMEN Brotha~ Be well, be safe, just be. God bless~
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 214991
Amazing line work!! Well impressed!! Excellent work dude!!! Sorry didn't get to say congrats personally just way to many press and people!!!
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 54026
Look the pieces you have up!
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 71723
hey bro...good job man...its great seeing all your accomplishment at once....lets work on more projects from now on all the best
大约 16 年 ago
congrats bro! wish I coulda made it out to the party! see you all soon!
大约 16 年 ago
Cool ! Awesome man!
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 49156
Anytime Bro, was well cool !
大约 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 16, 2007