Official Artist
David Chau
Art Director , Fine Art Printer , Magazine Editor
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YONE in Shanghai!!! 米原康正上海展览!!!

Dear all!!! Its been a while. But i have been so busy with all art related stuff these days that i havent had time to update my blogs. So where do i start??? lets start with the most exciting exhibition that i have curated this year. YONE in Shanghai!!!As many of you may know, Yone is one of the most important photographer from Japan doing. His subjects are usually beautiful girls wearing very few (if any) clothes, and most of these girls are very famous celebrities or in some instances AV stars. the outcome of the event was s...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares


Dear All, its been a long time since i wrote a blog. How have you guys been doing? i guess i am still not used to doing this thing. anyway, here is an article/interview i did for the Taiwan Version of ESQUIRE magz...they asked me stuff like what it feels to be a young collector/dealer and stuff like how to collect contemporary art. u guys can also drop me a shoutz if got any questions related to art.你们好,很就没写博客了,我到现在为止都还不是很习惯。这是我为一月台湾版的“君子”杂志拍的照片。他们问了很多有关收藏当代艺术有关的问题。如果你们有任何问题也可以来问我哈哈。。。Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares

Happy New Year!!! 新年快乐!!!我的专栏

Hi everything here on AND. I wish you all a wonderful and exciting COW 牛 Year. Lets work very hard to get pass this economic crisis; we unite, wonders happens!!! Here is a new article i wrote for Shanghai Stock Exchange Paper. For those of you who could read chinese, i hope you all like it. 在这里我想祝大家新年快乐,心想事成。我相信2009年一定会比2008牛。希望我们的世界可以携手尽快度过这次的金融危机!!!这是我在上海证券报里的专栏新发表的一篇文章。希望你们喜欢。***[收藏物语]David:从西方收藏家身上可学到什么(来源:上海证券报  作者:周大爲)(作者系职业艺术推广人)2005年到2008年之间,中国当代艺术经历了一场颠覆性的发展。中国经济飞速发展,社会资本迅速积累,导致各类投资热不断攀升,不仅是股市、房市,还包括2003年后快速崛起的中国艺术品...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

你们好! Welcome to my BLOG

Hello everyone! I am David, or you can call me CHAUCHAU. From now on i will be sharing my stories through this blog; mostly things related to the ART WORLD and other interesting things in my life. Hope you guys like it and lets share our exciting stories together!!! David Chauhttp://blog.sina.com.cn/davidchau大家好,我是David. 从今天开始我将开始我的博客旅程。主要写一些我在艺术世界的奇遇与在我生活里的一些有意思的事情。希望你们会喜欢也喜欢能在这里结交多谢朋友。Nice to meet you!David Chauhttp://blog.sina.com.cn/davidchau

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Shanghai, China
Member Since
April 3, 2008