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Bad Boy Seth

I've really been missing my dog, Seth.  He's currently in SF with my sister, Jen.  I decided that the best thing for him now would be to stay with her since I'd be traveling too much this year.  It's really hard to see other dogs and not have him with me.  I see his breed everywhere now.  He used to be the only one...and then suddenly it became "trendy" to have that type of dog...which I think is really lame since dogs are not bags or clothes.  Seth just turned 5, so he's been around for awhile...and I must say, no toy poodle is as cute as him...I'm kind of stuck up when I see other toy poodles...that's the first thing I notice...Seth is way cuter! 

During this trip back to HK, people are constantly asking me where he is and it just makes me miss him more.  I used to take him around with me everywhere...I'd put him in his little bag and he'd be so quiet that I'd be able to take him into a 5 star hotel...or go watch a movie and nobody would realize it.  Last night, I was going through my photos of him when I came across this video I took of him when we first moved to Shanghai.  He doesn't like being home alone..and sometimes he'll purposely leave me presents just to let me know....

我非常非常地牽掛我的小狗 Seth

牠現在住在舊金山我二姐珍珍家。因為我今年得到處工作 ,只有留在我二姐那兒牠可以安定下來。但是每當我看見別人家的小 狗,我就會很難接受Seth不在我身邊的事實。

我剛領養Seth的時候,還沒什麼人養這一類的狗 ,突然現在滿街到處都可以見到這種貴婦狗...真是不可思議 ,狗又不是衣服或則手袋。

Seth剛滿五歲,我養牠也好一陣子了,我一定要告訴你 ,沒有一只貴婦狗會像牠那麼可愛的...每當我看見別人的貴婦狗 的時候,我這個念頭就起了I!

我這次回香港每碰到一個熟人都會問我,讓我更思念牠了 ,因為以前在香港時,不管到那兒我都會帶著牠.. .我把牠放在一個袋袋裡,牠好乖好安靜,我可以把牠帶到五星級酒 店...甚至於帶牠去看場電影都沒人知道。

昨天晚上我在那兒整理Seth的照片,我看到了一段我們剛到上海 時為牠拍的一段影片。牠不喜歡我們把牠一個人放在家裡,所以牠會 ”做壞事“來表示牠反抗

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsDD0ENIkeo

16 年多 前 0 赞s  12 评论s  0 shares
Photo 36943
THAT IS SOOOOOOOOO cute! :) haha Hopefully you can visit him! :) *Are you going to be in HK a long time??
16 年多 ago
Photo 69762
oh sorry Marsh... i didn't actually know about this blog when i bumped into you in Central today. otherwise i wouldn;t have asked.... sorry hon.... oh well.... dun worry u'll see him soon :> love canz X
16 年多 ago
Photo 33405
awww he's so cute!! it's hard to stay mad at him, huh?
16 年多 ago
Photo 75639
Seth is sooooo cute, well, i have 2 dogs as well, maybe ican show you the photos next time when i see you...hehe
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007