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Candy Hang Yin Lo
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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Check out my new MV

OMG OMG OMG it's HERE!!!! Thank you soooooo much Thanh and the gangCheck out my new MV for " I See a Heart"Video: http://youtu.be/umzWvJ98STUMusic/ Lyrics/ Vocal:  Candy Lo Hang Yin 盧幸賢Music Arranged & Produced by Abe LauPiano Arrangement : Loli Lam

Recorded by : Tarr Siu @ Frenzi Music Studio

Video: Thanh Nguyen, Hari Ravi, Ka Chun Cheng

Actors: Rick Cheung, Winki Lai & Candy Lo Hang Yin

Make-up: Joyce MaSpecial Thanks: ...Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

I can shave my head now!!!!!

haahaaahaa well.... actually I DID do that when I was 17. but since I got in the performing arts field, looking somewhat 'normal' was helpful.....so no more crew cut for me ..... HOWEVER , look what I found ????Magic of a wig!!!! NOW, I can do whatever the heck I want with my real hair!!!!! look, I was even able to look like Snow White for a job yesterday :>Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

new song 逞強

check out another Canto demo 逞強 I sang for the talented Ar Yin n  小琳half way down my Alive not dead page, on the right , under ' playlist'Enjoy

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

interview aired tmr 10am HK time

the interview I did with AM 1430 as a Dance/Movement Therapist and Child Life Specialist will be aired on 31 May 7-8 pm (LA time)/10-11pm (NYtime )/1 Jun 10-11 AM (Hong Kong time) check it out on  www.am1430.net"天空下的彩虹". thank you sooo much 甄陶

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

new song 'Just Stop'

Just added another new song, "Just Stop' on the playlist,  It was a song that I made with my dear dear friend Polo @ Eyeshine from LA. Remember awhile back, when I posted pic of Polo and I jamming on the beach? Here is the ' baby' of that day  Now  you can also get a copy for yourself at  Read more

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


almost 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

New song posted

Just uploaded a demo song that I sang for 張弘 on my page ( right hand side of my AnD page, half way down the page ) Check  it out! Personally , I LOVE THIS SONG!!! very talented guys  疏曲:張弘詞:天旋

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

a little update

In case  you haven't heard :>I've finally graduated from my program of Dance/Movement Therapy and Counseling !!! AND the first radio interview I did as a Dance/Movement Therapist and Child Life Specialist will be broadcasted at AM 1430 on 17 May at 7-8pm  (LA time ) and 10-11pm (NY/NH time)you can also tune in on http://am1430.net See you...Read more

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

1st Interview as a Dance/Movement Therapist and Child Life Specialist

Just came back from my first interview as a Dance/Movement Therapist and Child Life Specialist with AM 1430 over here in LA  The interview is scheduled to be on 17 May12, at 7-8pm Pacific time, you can also listen to it through www.am1430.net . However the interview was in Cantonese, so sorry for all the English speakers  ...<aRead more

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

the amazing Grand Canyon

the video and pic says it allll....... when was the last time you were out in the nature???  Video: http://www.yout...Read more

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Member Since
March 26, 2008