Hey Crew,
Check out the updates on: http://www.pinstripediary.com
We would love to hear your thoughts!
Mark Ryan
Hey Crew,
I had the opportunity to meet and chat with Jeremy Scott the other night.
Jeremy is one of the freshest designers working with Adidas Originals!
If you get a chance, you should check out his work!
Picture: Mark Ryan and Jeremy Sco...Read more
Hey Crew,
In order to know where you're going - its important to know where you have come from!
Here is a quick look at my 2009-2010 Standard Chartered Marathon race planning...
Moving Forward!
Mark Ryan
Creative Director
Hey Crew,
We are gettin' ready to start selling our new products!
We just need to finish the packaging! (Small details are important)
Question: "What is the biggest change for the company in 2010?"
Answer: We will only be selling sets! That means that you need to buy the entire collection...not just one piece.
First Set:
White Shirt, Black Shirt, Hat
Coming Soon!
Hey Crew,
Question: Where can I learn more about Mark Ryan?
Answer: Milk Magazine - March 4th, 2010 - Issue 450
Check it out!
Mark Ryan
Creative Director
Hey Crew,
I received an email today with an important question:
"Mark! Please answer the following question for me. What are the positive moments from your race?"
Ran a good 6km!
Had support from a few of my friends at the finish line.
Had a mental breakdown...and eventually recovered
Hey Crew,
The race didn't go as well as planned...
A runner needs to be as strong mentally as he/she is physically.
During the race, I had to deal with physical issues and I didn't handle them well...
I need to become a stronger athlete (both physically and mentally)
I'm sorry!
I will continue to train and improve!
I will come back stronger!
Mark Ryan
P.S: I would like to thank everyone that has contacted me with support! I appreciate it!
Hey Crew,
Race Tomorrow!
Recent email questions:
Answer: I will go to a local pasta restaurant and have a HUGE pasta meal!
Answer: My own clothing? I wish! I will wear Adidas running gear and a flashy headband :)
Flashy headband? Yes! I need to keep my ever-growing hair out of my face.
(See picture below)
I hope e...Read more
**Hey Crew,
Only a few days before the BIG race...
Check out the article about the race in (23-2-10) AppleDaily Newspaper.**
Mark Ryan:挑戰「鐵人和」
去年渣馬 10公里賽冠軍 Mark Ryan,靠跑步擺脫「欣宜男友」之名;今年,他不但由小學英文教師「升呢」至「準補習天王」,在成名的 10公里賽,他更想挑戰「鐵人」李致和 31分 17秒的香港紀錄。
身穿筆挺西裝、將加入「補習天王」行列的 Mark,仍然平易近人,對於刷新港績,他胸有成竹的說:「去年拿冠軍前,很多人以為我得個講字,之後我以實力證明真是跑得之人。今年最大動力是向香港紀錄去跑。去年我第一次在香港比賽,對路段毫無認識,跑的時候未去到盡,都能跑到第 1名,所以今年目標是跑出比港績更快的 31分 15秒
在渥太華長大、居港才 3年多的 Mark,由小學游水游到大,玩了足足 8年,之後又練過 6個月...Read more
Hey Crew,
Last weekend I attended the Kings Glory Education Annual Dinner.
The night had good food, fun music and great company!
I would like to wish everyone at KGE a great 'Year of the Tiger'
What's a dinner without pictures...pictures...pictures?!
Teacher/Artist: Mark Ryan Company: Mark Ryan Education Ltd. Websites:www.ask.edu.hk