演员, 主持人, 歌手
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I was invited to attend a vessel naming for OOCL in Shanghai.

Guests of honor included former president George Bush sr and his wife Barbara Bush!

Here they come, George Bush and Tung Chee Wa

Barbara christening the vessel

Press taking pictures

There was a bit of a commotion when more and more people got on stage to pose for the picture and the stage collapsed. George Bush's chair was about to disappear in the hole...

The CIA and secret service jumped in to assist.

Captain Jeremy

George Bush sr giving a speech

George and Barbara Bush receiving a gift.

George and me, hehehe!

AnD artist Robert Vicencio was one of the guests as well!

Ah, just chatting with the president. He likes musical theater! He was surrounded by so many security people of course... It felt a bit like "24 hours"!

Here I am on the bridge. I couldn't resist playing with the radar!

After the christening and the tour of the vessel, we went to the renaissance hotel for a luncheon. There was a mix up with the seating arrangement so I decided to sit where there were most of the seats left. I ended having lunch with some members of the Chinese secret service...I didn't take pictures of them just in case as they might come and hunt me down in case I post them on my blog!

This is one from the archives. I performed for Colin Powell a while ago!

I still remember what I sang: I Dreamed a dream and Memory...

Right after I finished singing he came to the stage, shook my hand and said how much he enjoyed my performance!

16 年多 前 0 赞s  24 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, i didn't know Colin Powell was the touchy feely type! ;-)
16 年多 ago
Li tong 2014 2 photo by fion cao
Hi Jeanne! Yeah, he's nice too! Etchy: You're funny! ;P Asianchick100: They were fast indeed! Am pretty proud of the Bush and Powell pics! ;)
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow! i saw him speak once or twice while he was president (having grown up in DC, that's not that big a deal).
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
LT: i can't blame him!
16 年多 ago
Photo 23873
Meeting Bush Sr. and Colin Power..... that's really cool.
16 年多 ago
Photo 23329
wow li tong .... that dinner i had with you make me feel even more privilidged to have met you ;) nice one
16 年多 ago
Photo 39462
wahhhhh i will stick to the first thing i said when i first met ya 'YOU INSPIRE ME!' to be a better me :) Sendin ya love x
16 年多 ago
Photo 36943
HOW EXCITING!!! That is really cool. Wish I was there to see. :)
16 年多 ago
Img 3929
very cool!! ;)
16 年多 ago
Photo 36157
Those are cool photos. What a lucky girl you are.
16 年多 ago


Nicola in Kinky Boots MIMI in RENT Aquino's mother in HERE LIES LOVE KIM in MISS SAIGON www.twitter.com/litonghsu http://www.weibo.com/litonghsu http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2230907404


Shanghai, China & Amsterdam, Holland
May 14, 2007