Could be one of the most Beautiful sunset I've ever seen in my life #dirtypanda #behindtheseen #subset
一早起身梗係食個烏冬先啦,今次食呢間烏冬叫做烏冬市場喺商店街裏邊。叫咗一個比較少人食嘅食法,渦蛋係碗底再加上熱嘅烏冬唔要湯加少少蔥花同埋山藥,日本雞蛋有幾好食大家都知,加上山藥令到已經好食嘅烏冬更滑,仲叫咗個小沙律同炸雞。 埋單¥620 完~
Fukuoka city was a less an 24hrs trip still manage to get the last chance to see the exhibition, and had a wonder time with friends and meeting some wonderful new friends! Thank you all of you and I look forward to see ya all again!! @theaterm2d @youthecock @sevenasian @lsdmthc @atsumi___ @tyra324 #dirtypanda #dirtypandafood #fuk #kmi #friends #exhibition #snow #karaoke #oasis #wonderwall #okinawabeat #goodteam
All MTN Hardcore colors are back in stock!!! Keeping your handz dirty since 2002!!!