Say that to your Family
"Good morning NIGGA!!!"
Number 8One of the best number I like from 0-9I don't know why, if I must give a reason, then I have to say there are a lot of things happen to me with this number! 8 years of time, what have you done for the last 8 years?Me?I've putting up 3 letters in the city!I've think, sketch, paint, plan, play....... with 3 letters!I've see these 3 letters means 3 person to 4 to 5 person and...Read more
Have not have a good 油炸鬼 for such long time... last good one was around 2002, it was very nice but not much people tasted it with me together.... Maybe as I know more friends love the taste of it rather than wait for someone to make us a good one to have we shoudl make our own!making it BIG!making it Tasty!making it Strong! Let me know if you are down with us!
I'm one of those Hotwheels mini cars collector... but I only get the Biggest one - Hummer I collect Humvee , Hummer, H2 , H3 to Hummer Alpha The other day I found a real one just close to where I live... Hummer is one of the most crazy moster 4X4 in the world... check for more detail!
Been drive around sometimes ago and unlocked this place....
wanna ask why no graf in there?
it's simple...
there are 4-5 CCTV in such small park, I guess it's rather grovement worry about those sk8er or they love to watch others skate...
在很久很久以前 , 傳說有三頭兇惡的怪物......他們總是在夜間出沒到處奔跑 , 四處轟炸 . 把整個城市在一夜間徹底炸毀 ! 有日他們終於比人發現了 , 還將他們命名為 "狂歡三寶" .
而"狂歡三寶"此名由來是因為這三頭兇惡的怪物都是...痴撚線 !
All MTN Hardcore colors are back in stock!!! Keeping your handz dirty since 2002!!!