Official Artist
Kelvin Avon
Composer , Music Producer , Sound Engineer
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Project Race!

You might have seen a few blogs around about the project I am working on with Race Wong, she has already done a few blogs about it. In between family, studio, and work from the UK I have finally managed to sit down and blog about the project. Race and I met through AnD (Thanks Patrick!) and after quite a few meetings and emails decided to work on Race's solo album project together. This is not just any album, this is a complete relaunch/re-brand of Race as an artist. Spencer Douglass has been busy behind the scenes setting things up, and getting more people involved. Arne Venema has been filming the behind the scenes footage and interviews for us as well. Jennifer Chiang is working with Race on performance training and choreography.We have been in the studio (Thanks to Jon Lee @ ThisMusicStudio) for 3 weeks now and have some very exciting and fresh songs, I encouraged Race to write the songs with me, and with the help of a Cantonese lyricist (Chan Wing Him) we are made some very very good music!Let me re-iterate, this is not like any other HK album you have heard. We have had a few AnD people stop by the studio to say hi and listen to the songs ( Patrick Lee, Marsha Yuan, Jun Kung, Robin Chi, Desmond So, plus a few more coming in the next few weeks) and they all agreed it was something very different, but still very exciting and commercial for the HK music scene.So below are some pics from some of the sessions. You will see that there are quite a few AnD artists involved in this project in different ways. This is a true AnD collaborative project and I will be updating more and more as the project takes shape. There will also be video footage and interviews soon... so stay tuned and any support from all you AnDer's is greatly appreciated Race behind the mic

Dance & Performance trainging with Jennifer Chiang

Desmond So came and interviewed Race

Patrick Lee in the House!

Robin Chi (Warner Record) & Herman To (Warner Chappell) stop by to listen

Myself with Lyricist Chan Wing Him

Race with Arne Venema who took a step in front of the camera

Race telling Spencer Douglass to shut up!

Throwing down some gang signs!!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
Photo 212991
Hey Kelvin, best of luck with the project!
about 15 years ago
Photo 62424
This is the best thing I've worked on! :-D
about 15 years ago
True spirit of AnD!
about 15 years ago
Can't wait to hear it bro~ Happy y'all getting something out soon...we will have our time:) Merry Christmas cheers~
about 15 years ago


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