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Thank you The Woolmark Company, Suitsupply, and ELLE MEN for making me look dapper. Every man needs a suit, or two, or ten...and nothing spells style or comfort like wool or wool blend. Shooting during rush hour in Central was quite an experience...thank you to the team for pulling it off with time (and sunlight) to spare!

大约 7 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Recently checked out a new development in Clearwater Bay; a total opposite of what you'd imagine living in Hong Kong. This place is quiet, super green, and totally peaceful. The low-rise residence has a unique club house full of art, a few pools (the indoor one you can actually do laps in!), full-range gym, and a multi-purpose, indoor exercise court (too bad I stink at basketball). Talk about taking a break from the city! . . . .

MountPavilia #TheArtisanalMovement #SculpturePark #GreenLiving #傲瀧 #雕塑公園 #綠色生活 #dezesq #dezesqoffice

7 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Industry trade fair in HK this week. Thanks, Variety, alivenotdead.com, and Raffi Roupen for the invite to last night's get-together.

大约 8 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Check out East-West Institute of Applied Etiquette in this month's U Magazine!

大约 8 年 前 1 赞  暂无评论  0 shares

Tremendously humbled that BBC News has consulted East-West Institute of Applied Etiquette again, this time for BBC Capital. Thank you, Lennox Morrison for the story!


8 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

"One is one's own refuge, who else could be the refuge?"..."You should do your work, for [the ones who have discovered Truth] only teach the way." - translated by Walpola Rahula

Buddhism #Buddhist #spiritual #spirituality #innerpeace #namaste #tszshanmonastery #慈山寺 #beauty #vsco #vscocam #tuesdaywisdom #sundayfunday #temple #spectacular #inhongkongareyoukiddingme #throwback #fountain

接近 9 年 前 100 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

無常。 "All conditioned things are impermanent — when one sees this with wisdom, one turns away from suffering." #Buddhism #Buddhist #spiritual #spirituality #innerpeace #namaste #tszshanmonastery #慈山寺 #beauty #vsco #vscocam #mondaynoblues #sundayfunday #temple #spectacular #inhongkongareyoukiddingme #throwback

接近 9 年 前 101 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

寧靜來自內心。過了一個快樂和充實的週末。 "Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions." Had an awesome weekend. How was yours? Thank you, @bealegre1 for the spiritual opportunity.

Buddhism #Buddhist #spiritual #spirituality #innerpeace #namaste #tszshanmonastery #慈山寺 #beauty #vsco #vscocam #mondaynoblues #sundayfunday #temple #spectacular #inhongkongareyoukiddingme

接近 9 年 前 117 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


A proper Sunday starts w a colorful, homemade brekky.

dezesqcooks #dezesqeats #funwithfood #breakfast #brekky #homemade #yum #nomnom #sunday #sundayfunday #happysunday #avo #avocado #creativefood #grilledcheese #grilledcheesewithatwist #vsco #vscocam

接近 9 年 前 109 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

深夜post所以OK! 是我,別害怕!

I've officially arrived. LMAO.

snapchat #alien #yikes #funny #DezEsq #electricwaves #friday #fridayfreeday #freeday #future #donotfear #dontbeafraid

接近 9 年 前 63 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


"Life is like a box of chocolates -- you never know what you're going to get."


Hong Kong
September 18, 2008