As many of you may know, a 6.9 magnitude earthquake rocked Yushu,
Qinghai on April 14, 2010, toppling houses, livelihoods, and the local
economy. Backed by the One Foundation staff and our One Foundation
Disaster Relief League, I went right into the heart of the Yushu
Earthquake in Qinghai from April 15-18th. With disaster relief being
one of our main focuses, we arrived practically immediately after the
quake struck.
With the assistance of the local government, One Foundation partners, and volunteers, we delivered 7 trucks of water, biscuits, instant noodle, juice, medicine, and clothing to Yushu. So far, these supplies have been distributed into Jiegu Township and Yinxiu Village to alleviate the basic needs of the survivors.
In the afternoon of the 17th, I paid a visit to the Nangqian Hopewell Orphanage, where Hong Kong volunteer Huang Furong (黄福荣) sacrificed his life. Along with the One Foundation team and staff from the school (including the Vice Headmaster of the Orphanage), we paid our respects to Huang Furong, and made a promise to rebuild a new orphanage in his honor.
This trip was not easy, and the reconstruction and rebuilding that One Foundation will be executing in the area will continue to prove difficult for our staff. The fact that Yushu is a small township with narrow roads located in the high-altitude plateau in Qinghai proved to be difficult for all the rescue teams stationed in the area in the last few days. But as the emergency period transitions into the reconstruction period, I know that new solutions for rebuilding will be found.
Thank you for everyone's attention, and I know that we can all do our part to rebuild a new future for Yushu.
Here are the One Foundation's photos from the trip:
大家可能已經知道﹐2010年4月14日青海玉樹發生6.9級地 震﹐震倒無數屋子和家園﹐還有本地經濟也被影響。 我與壹基金的工作人員以及壹基金賑災救援隊的支持下﹐於4月15 -18日直接前赴青海玉樹地震災區中心。 由於我們的主要目的是賑災及救援工作﹐所以地震發生後﹐ 我們第一時間立即行動﹐差不多即時到達震區。
我們得到本地政府﹐壹基金的合作伙伴以及志願者的幫助﹐運送了7輛貨車的援助物資到玉樹﹐包括水﹐餅乾﹐即食麵﹐果汁﹐ 藥品及棉衣棉被等。到目前為止﹐ 這些物資已發放去結古鎮及映秀村﹐幫助災民提供基本的需求。
4月17日的下午﹐ 我去了香港義工黃福榮生前服務過的囊謙合和孤兒院。當時﹐ 我跟壹基金的工作人員和學校的工作人員(包括孤兒院的副校長)為 黃福榮致敬﹐還有許下承諾﹐以他的名義重新建做一間孤兒院。
這次救援行動不容易﹐ 而且將來壹基金為震區執行的重建工作也會繼續很艱難。 由於玉樹鎮區很細﹐路徑也很窄﹐位置在青海的高空高原裡﹐ 所以這裡的救援隊在過去的幾天是挺辛苦的。但現在﹐ 緊急救援時期已過渡重建工作時期﹐ 我知道他們會找到重建工作的新方法。
由于我们的主要目的是赈灾及救援工作﹐所以地震发生后 ﹐
药品及棉衣棉被等。到目前为止 ﹐
As many of you may know, a 6.9 magnitude earthquake rocked Yushu,
Qinghai on April 14, 2010, toppling houses, livelihoods, and the local
economy. Backed by the One Foundation staff and our One Foundation
Disaster Relief League, I went right into the heart of the Yushu
Earthquake in Qinghai from April 15-18th. With disaster relief being
one of our main focuses, we arrived practically immediately after the
quake struck.
With the assistance of the local government, One Foundation partners, and volunteers, we delivered 7 trucks of water, biscuits, instant noodle, juice, medicine, and clothing to Yushu. So far, these supplies have been distributed into Jiegu Township and Yinxiu Village to alleviate the basic needs of the survivors.
In the afternoon of the 17th, I paid a visit to the Nangqian Hopewell Orphanage, where Hong Kong volunteer Huang Furong (黄福荣) sacrificed his life. Along with the One Foundation team and staff from the school (including the Vice Headmaster of the Orphanage), we paid our respects to Huang Furong, and made a promise to rebuild a new orphanage in his honor.
This trip was not easy, and the reconstruction and rebuilding that One Foundation will be executing in the area will continue to prove difficult for our staff. The fact that Yushu is a small township with narrow roads located in the high-altitude plateau in Qinghai proved to be difficult for all the rescue teams stationed in the area in the last few days. But as the emergency period transitions into the reconstruction period, I know that new solutions for rebuilding will be found.
Thank you for everyone's attention, and I know that we can all do our part to rebuild a new future for Yushu.
Here are the One Foundation's photos from the trip: