All animals on earth live for only one ultimate reason - reproduction. Their mission is simply to produce the best quality offsprings as they can, and as many as they can.
So, why is the urban type of Homo sapiens different?
Why are humans different than animals in their reproductive strategies (and with consequently different results)? Because of culture, humans value things besides just physical strength. We value power (which depends on strategy and intelligence more than on brute strength), money, "beauty" that isn't necessarily an indicator of our reproductive fitness. For these reasons, and probably lots of others, we produce inferior offspring in the eyes of the animal kingdom. Its that damn brain of ours that has mucked everything up. :-)
Bearded dragons are cool! My roommate used to have one. Back in San Diego I had a couple of green tree pythons, tree frogs, and some chameleons (we used to go to the SD reptile convention every year ). When I came back to HK I had to give them away but my friend still keeps my albino leopard gecko in San Diego...ha!
hey Ryan good to know you are into reptiles too. Did you keep your Green tree python from young to adult? the color change is amazing. BTW have you been to daytona, the states's largest expo? i used to have a booth in there
over 16 years
Hong Kong based Herpetologist, Professional Animal Show Presenter & Wildlife Photographer
True natural living things are true art pieces
- they look li
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