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2nd Anniversary Party Hightlights Signboard Photo Ops

Some pics I took of artists (and friends) during the party,  mostly in and around the sign boards.  ;-)


Things took a while to get started (for the press to get set up and the artists to start coming in),  but slowly but surely we got things rolling:

24Herbsin the house.

With Terence and Ken Wong!

24Herbs just came off a busy day of promoting the AIDS Concern Red Ribbon campaign project they worked on,  to help raise awareness and prevention of AIDS in HK and also help those with AIDS with treatment.  In addition to being the alivenotdead.com anniversary party,  this event also was a fundraiser for AIDS Concern.  We tried to force everyone to donate at least HK$100 to get in.  In exchange you got:

a special edition 24Herbs CD single and a special alivenotdead condom pack (courtesy of Okamoto condoms!)

Most people were happy to donate, and I'm happy to say the donation boxes were jammed with cash at the end of the night.  But I have to call out the few cheapskates who tried to get in without donating... you know who you are!  >:-O

Anyway,  on with the artists:

Rocking his 2nd Anniversary T,  its Andrew Lin!

unfortunately Daniel wasn't able to attend,  rather than partying it up (for a good charity cause) with us in HK,  he went to Sichuan to party it up with alivenotdead's own JET LI for his One Foundation Sichuan earthquake commemoration event:

Kudos for Dan for helping the One Foundation and Sichuan!

Terence doing some interviews, in this case with HK's CableTV (新知台) Entertainment news reporters.

I don't want to make you guys think this was just a sausage fest! lots of beautiful ladies here too!

The beautiful Miss Gloria Wong.

looking as stunning as ever,  Grace Huang!

The cutest rocker girl I know,  Kiki Chiu!

After we got the music started I had a chance to come back out to the entrance to snap a few more pics with the late coming artists. :-P

Race Wong along with Andrew!

Race posing with her AIDS Concern gift pack, along with this unidentified Chinese skinhead guy.  :-D

of course its actually Phil Ng!  Apparently he's decided to shave that thick, painstakingly maintained mane of his and go cool for the upcoming summer.

Before his set on stage, I managed to get Ryan Hui too.

and last but not least,  after she finished her kickass set on stage:

I even convinced a very tired Josie to stop and pose for a pic too (since she missed the whole media stuff at the beginning of the show). She really gave her all on stage and was hoarse after the show but stopped to take photos for the fans who were still there waiting (including me!) :-P

This dress is pretty cool.  You MAY recognize this design as one of the adidas Originals by Originals albums we put up as part of our adidas Originals collaboration in March

OK, you probably DIDN'T... but I did. :-P

One other fun thing we did (which hopefully you guys will see sooner or later), is ask artists to do some promo shoutout videos for a new partnership we're doing in the Mainland internet market (You guys will be hearing and seeing a lot more about this very soon, I am sure, as it will have a BIG impact on the whole site).

Basically Stephen forced everyone to make a MANDARINvideo clip with a brief shoutout about the site and the anniversary.  The problem is not everyone from HK has very good Mandarin Chinese. :-P

Phat stumbled a few times on his 普通話... :-D

Gloria didn't do too much better... 

true story - the next day she asked me "why is the website called alive dian tom dian com?  what does that mean?"  I started to make fun of her a bit.  sorry Gloria, it was too funny to not share! :-D

('dian' = 點)

Opening band Eccentric... I'm not sure if Kiki's Mandarin is better than Glorias...  ;-)

When I wasn't running about  in a massive hurry,  I did get a few chances to take some pics of people.  (or they stopped me to take a pic and I grabbed one too).   

I was really happy to finally meet Vonnie in person. Believe it or not, it was her first alivenotdead event! She is really nice (for not thinking I was some crazy stalker guy when I came up to say hi).  :-D

Gloria and her friend Tiffany.  You may remember Tiffany from such blog entries as this one....

I believe the quote was "madre mia!" :-D

Since Patrick never brings a camera anywhere,  I stopped to memorialize this meeting:

Wendy, Patrick and Fed talking biz.  Thanks again to Diesel for their generous support of alivenotdead.com!  2007, 2008 and now 2009!

Also a few users from outside of HK came to the party. I didn't get pictures with most of them unfortunately, but a lot of them got pictures with me on their cameras I hope.  Aside from Mio, Junichi K., there was also Bleupluie was visiting all the way from Malaysia (too bad Jin couldn't make it back from Shanghai in time for the party!)

Last but not least,  we finally spotted Shorty!

Proof that she is in fact really in Hong Kong and didn't drop off the face of the earth! :-D

15 年多 前 0 赞s  44 评论s  0 shares
nice review! I had good fun to play on stage too. Too bad i can't stay late.
15 年多 ago
wow ... dude . that condom is rock !!!
15 年多 ago
wendy ... she got drunk again ???
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
no, of course not, just a little bit red from the sun....
15 年多 ago
Happy 2nd Anniversary!! 2歳の誕生日、おめでとう!! そして、イベントお疲れ様でした! とても楽しそうだね? 来年は俺も参加したいっ!! I am sad that I cannot participate in a party this year. I want to enjoy it with all next year.
15 年多 ago
38935462 1233427286799200 7641701711072985088 n
Congratulations! 2nd Anniversary Party!! That's great place for show~~~ And really nice arragement~~~ Great Band~Great People & Geat AnD Team!!^o^v
15 年多 ago
Photo 34979
alive dian tom dian com XD sounds funny!
15 年多 ago
Elena dd unset 18
HAHA! togue twister
15 年多 ago
Elena dd unset 18
HAHA! togue twister
15 年多 ago
Elena dd unset 18
HAHA! togue twister
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
to quote the classic movie: "the power of christ compels!"
15 年多 ago
Photo 90948
nice! good times!
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
bleupluie - i'm glad you were able to make it out. too bad Jin wasn't able to make it, he got back from Shanghai that night, but missed the party. (he was in LKF later that night i think).
15 年多 ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
Now I know how to find you! AHA!
15 年多 ago


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007