Lai Ching Ting
艺术总监, 道具和佈景设计/製造商, 时装/服装设计, 彩妆大师(MUA), 形象设计, 平面设计师, 插画家, 摄影师, 纺织艺术家
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MaDHousE LaB. Is coming!!!!

Working for crazy to gett brand done finally!! 

Recently we did the styling shoot~~

onlinr shop will coming soon too.

for more update & news pls visite : www.facebook.com/madhouselabstudio

10 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Whatever I look like, I’m still keep the same heart as usual inside. I just like to keep changing different styles with possibly ? ... .. . Recently seriously too much to do...so phone edit is needed...if not I think almost no update at all ? I will try update every Mon-Wed-Fri!!! Or just follow my Story will have some interactive with all of you!;) . .. ... . .. +++

gothic #voodollmim #gothstyle #fashion #vampire #Darkqueen #hkig #hkiger #hongkonggirl #gothic #fashion #cyberpunk #cyber #vamp #darkbeauty #darkdb #cybergoth #art #gothgoht #alternative #alterna...Read more

大约 6 年 前 1662 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

I just love to put the different colours combination together...?? I do think it’s kind of GoTh style too~think about Cyber style colors then I’m kinda like to do heterochromia colours! ... .. . Hopefully can do update every Mon and Fri~~More videos??? What do you think? . .. +++

gothic #voodollmim #gothstyle #fashion #vampire #Darkqueen #hkig #hkiger #hongkonggirl #gothic #fashion #cyberpunk #cyber #vamp #darkbeauty #darkdb #cybergoth #art #gothgoht #alternative #alternativegirl #madhouselab #darkbeauty #ゴシック #黒 #ゴス #モデル #撮影モデル

大约 6 年 前 991 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Cyber Goth?! Sometimes I just wanna to don some makeup on~~I’m kinda like to do heterochromia colours! What do you think? ... .. . Will try to do updates at every Mon-Wed-Fri!!! Watch out!!!? . .. +++

gothic #voodollmim #gothstyle #fashion #vampire #Darkqueen #hkig #hkiger #hongkonggirl #gothic #fashion #cyberpunk #cyber #vamp #darkbeauty #darkdb #cybergoth #art #gothgoht #alternative #alternativegirl #madhouselab #darkbeauty #ゴシック #黒 #ゴス #モデル #撮影モデル

大约 6 年 前 2642 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Kinda surprised me that SteamPunk style seems more popular?! Finally I can sit down start update.... More videos and photo shoots gonna arrange after Chinese New Year! So bless me everything gonna be smooth and don’t get sick any more!!!!!! A lot wanna to do!!! +++

gothic #voodollmim #gothstyle #fashion #vampire #Darkqueen #hkig #hkiger #tattoogirl #gothic #fashion #steampunk #steampunkfashion #vamp #darkbeauty #darkdb #steampunkart #art #vampiremakeup #alternative #alternativegirl #madhouselab #darkbeauty #ゴシック #黒 #ゴス #モデル #撮影モデル

大约 6 年 前 3092 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Contact lenses and Wigs are my best friends for my styling~?GoTH Style can be apply in different ways. As long as I got materials and ideas, creation can be start~ Not just SteamPunk~~I will try to apply my way for any possibilities~(¯︶¯) Look forward to coming new projects~~Follow me and be with me~ I’m appreciate for all yours support ??? +++

gothic #voodollmim #gothstyle #fashion #vampire #Darkqueen #hkig #hkiger #tattoogirl #gothic #fashion #steampunk #steampunkfashion #vamp #darkbeauty #darkdb #steampunkart #art #vampiremakeup #alternative #alte...Read more

大约 6 年 前 2687 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Seriously busy weeks before Chinese New Year..:So let me share this again~~ In Goth for me...I always think can mix with different styles. As long as I got wigs or different material which can inspire me~I will start dressing up! Here you are~Me in SteamPunk~what do you think?! +++

gothic #voodollmim #gothstyle #fashion #vampire #Darkqueen #hkig #hkiger #tattoogirl #gothic #fashion #steampunk #steampunkfashion #vamp #darkbeauty #darkdb #steampunkart #art #vampiremakeup #alternative #alternativegirl #madhouselab #darkbeauty #ゴシック #黒 #ゴス #モデル #撮影モデル

大约 6 年 前 3269 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

It was the first snow ❄️ day in @cappadocia @cappadocia.turkey . They said it brings luck and blessing to you. I love those special landscapes. It feels like remind me about Starwars scenes. +++ +++

gothgoth #gothic #voodollmim #gothstyle #fashion #goth #hkig #hkiger #igers #splithair #darkbeauty #love #travel #chinese #art #instafashion #alternative #alternativegirl #cappadocia #turkey #ゴシック #黒 #ゴス #自撮り女子 #モデル #撮影モデル #iphone8plus #sonya5100

大约 6 年 前 1354 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Beautiful Love Valley ♥️ @cappadocia @cappadocia.turkey. . Love ♥️ It’s so powerful but not easy to see. It might either destroy you or let you become better one~~~Which one you are going for?! ? +++ +++

gothgoth #gothic #voodollmim #gothstyle #fashion #goth #hkig #hkiger #igers #splithair #darkbeauty #love #travel #chinese #art #instafashion #alternative #alternativegirl #cappadocia #turkey #ゴシック #黒 #ゴス #自撮り女子 #モデル #撮影モデル #iphone8plus #sonya5100

大约 6 年 前 2075 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Still miss a lot @cappadocia @cappadocia.turkey. . What a nice journey exploring here. Hopefully another seasons will have chance back again to discover more! Beautiful Love Valley ♥️ +++ +++

gothgoth #gothic #voodollmim #gothstyle #fashion #goth #hkig #hkiger #igers #splithair #darkbeauty #travel #chinese #art #blackred #alternative #alternativegirl #cappadocia #turkey #ゴシック #闇 #黒 #ゴス #自撮り女子 #モデル #撮影モデル #iphone8plus #sonya5100

大约 6 年 前 1164 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


+50%Boylish:50%Girlish+ +Create for Visual+Make Everything Be Possible+ +?info@madhouselabstudio.com+


April 14, 2006
Hong Kong, Hong Kong