The ability to respond.
I cannot emphasize how powerful this is.
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is self-control. When people say, “he made me mad!” or “she’s driving me crazy!” they are being ir-response-able. You cannot control anything another person says or does, but you can control yourself. We are not to be controlled by a spirit of fear, lust, anger, jealousy, or anything like. We are to be LED by the spirit of “HOLY”. Everything we are, our spirit, mind, and body are to be under submission to God.
If someone is merely “reacting” emotionally, then they are not being response able.
I used to ask, how can I control my emotions? If I am angry I am angry. If i’m sad I’m sad. If I’m happy then I’m happy. When I used to drink a lot, I remember the only times that I’d feel alive or excited, were when I was intoxicated. I loved the feeling of being free, and uninhibited. But what was really happening was that I was being enslaved. Alcohol, as I thought was a release for me. However (like any addiction) it was actually leading to bondage and that bondage would only lead to death.
wow didn’t think i’d talk about this.. but anyhow. praise God for inner healing and encountering the Holy Spirit!
Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. The Truth will set you free! Jesus came to release the captives and set the prisoners FREE! I have come to give LIFE, and life abundantly.
True freedom is to be living in self-control. It is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness etc…
God created life, and when he created life He looked at it and said, “It is good!”
It’s not normal “NOT” to have peace!
Love = No Fear