Official Artist
Dan Burns-Findlay
Director , Sound Engineer , 3D / CAD Modeller or Animator
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roland sh-5


Roland SH-5 finally arrived, safe and mint from Japan, smelling like… well, smelling like an old dusty garage. This thing is the same age as me (1976) although it has faired time better. I added some high-res (big!) front panel photos of the various synth sections, to my Flickr page. Before buying this I had a hell of time finding info & decent photos online.

(for syndicated readers missing page links, note that there are scanned synth manuals for all my vintage gear hosted on the ‘data’ page of www.disuye.com)

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Photo 221609
that thing is cool.
over 15 years ago
Photo 49156
Wholly shit ! that thing is wicked cool !
over 15 years ago


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