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An Unforgettable Visit to Yunnan|雲南一次難忘的探訪|云南一次难忘的探访

During this time I have been busy with "The Legend of Bruce Lee" promotions...rarely have the opportunity to put down everything from busy life, I went to visit the poor children in Yunnan province. After going there I felt especially good, it gave me huge encouragement. What I learnt from this experience: living in the city, our life is very plentiful but we still are not satisfied, still don't have a placid heart. Even though those children live in a very remote and poor place up in the mountain region, but their desires are relatively simple. They are happier than us, they also have many more chances to feel satisfied! I hope one day all of us can leave behind the troubles that come from desire and return to the most basic path of life of "harmony, loving one another, cherish, tolerance, happy"...! Let's do our best together!!![](/attachments/2008/12/48224_200812162109411.thumb.jpg) |這段時間都忙著做李小龍傳奇的promotion...很難得有機會放下現實忙碌的事情,到了雲南山區探訪那邊貧窮的小孩,去完以後心情特別的舒服,給我很大的鼓勵。我的體會是:我們生活在城市裡,有著很豐裕的生活環境,但是我們都不能有滿足的心,平和的心。那些小朋友雖然生活在很偏僻而且環境比較差的山區上面,但是他們的欲望相對地簡單得多,心態上比我們快樂,得到滿足的機會也比我們的多!希望有一天我們大家都可以離開欲望的困惑,走回最基本的人生道路..“和諧,互愛,珍惜,包容,快樂” 裡頭...! 大家一起加油吧!!! |这段时间都忙着做李小龙传奇的promotion...很难得有机会放下现实忙碌的事情,到了云南山区探访那边贫穷的小孩,去完以后心情特别的舒服,给我很大的鼓励。我的体会是:我们生活在城市裡,有着很丰裕的生活环境,但是我们都不能有满足的心,平和的心。那些小朋友虽然生活在很偏僻而且环境比较差的山区上面,但是他们的欲望相对地简单得多,心态上比我们快乐,得到满足的机会也比我们的多!希望有一天我们大家都可以离开欲望的困惑,走回最基本的人生道路..“和谐,互爱,珍惜,包容,快乐” 裡头...! 大家一起加油吧!!!

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  101 评论s  0 shares
38935462 1233427286799200 7641701711072985088 n
大约 16 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
woah! hard to forget for sure!
大约 16 年 ago
13244619 10154160689249104 9129655007072933202 n
很高兴世界又多了一个能给与需要帮助的好人。 希望我也能做到如此~
大约 16 年 ago
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
That's cool. It looks like you had a great time and really connected with the kids. Dope!
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 214991
Great to see you bringing joy & happiness to these kids :)
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 87127
wa so cute
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 51946
可爱~~ (*^__^*)...嘻嘻
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 55174
14 年多 ago
Photo 406468
14 年多 ago



Hong Kong
December 7, 2007