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Daniel Chan
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My film project "Smile For Me" has been selected by the 14th Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival!!!

over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

"Smile For Me" selected by the 14th Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival!!!

**I am really hoping that this entry will be the first of many more to come about my feature film project "Smile For Me"...

Much like the HAF Forum of the Hong Kong Filmart, the Asian Fantastic Films Forum in Korea is also a funding forum but built solely for genre films...

I have been to many of these funding forums before, Rome, Taipei, Singapore and Australia, the difficulty with presenting a project at these types of forums is that you...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

The guy who gets off on getting CHOKED...

So you are a sports journalist, and all the big name sports like basketball, football and hockey are taken... and one day, your editor tells you to go and cover this new sport called "Mixed Martial Arts" and you say, alright...

Then your editor tells you to go shoot a feature on what it's like to be choked... and you look at the roster of these MMA dudes and you think, fuck that, I don't want to be choked out by these animals... then you find out that Gina Carano, this super hot, totally fit...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Everyone needs to get Jack3d!!!

For all you lifters out there, if any... thought I would post this review of a new supplement I am using...

For me personally, being at the gym is a very pleasent experience, it's getting to the gym that's the hard part... I always need some encouragement, some kind of boost to get motivated to hit the gym. I have tried the old 2 cups of coffee trick, doesn't really help after 2 months, your body builds up the tolerance to the caffeine and the same goes for energy drinks, my 2 red bull fix phase lasted only...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Say ello to Uncle Chopper!!!

Watching prison movies is an addictive thing, right after watching "Bronson", I dusted the old Chopper DVD off my shelf and watched it again, a very different film indeed, but also based on a real person.

Chopper Reed is one of the most notorious criminals in Australian history, admitting to have killed 19 people, he was jailed for killing 4, spent 26 years in prison...

Eric Bana plays Chopper in the film "Chopper" which is just as good if not slightly better than Tom Hardy's Bronson. Here ...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Will the real Charles Bronson please stand up...

J ust caught this movie a few days ago, and it really stayed with me, the story of a man who calls himself Charles Bronson...

The actor who plays the lead role is called Tom Hardy, after watching his performance, he's definitely one of my favorite actors in the top 3, behind good old Ray Winstone and Edward Norton, think of him as a rugged and scary version of Ryan Gosling, just when I thought this guy's gonna be huge someday, that day has already come, he's been cast in Christopher Nolan&#...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

The Human Centipede!!! Nough Said...

I think of myself as a person of sound mind who likes a bit of blood and gore with serial killers thrown in, that's the kind of movies I like, but I just saw the trailer to "The Human Centipede" today and whoever came up with this is on another level in terms of sick in the head...

I have seen it once and have thought about watching it again... and I am just talking about the trailer here... yet I decided not to... cos the first time watching it was so powerful, I am not sure I wanted to do it again...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Anderson Silva is a disgrace to MMA...

I had the misfortune of watching UFC 112 the past weekend and I have to say that I have never seen anything like it in my 10 years of MMA watching...

Anderson Silva the UDC middle weight champ went 5 rounds with Damien Maia who is a jujitsu master... Now that sentence alone would be shocking enough to any MMA fan... anyone going 5 rounds with Anderson Silva should be considered a hero in my book, and it's true... After watching this fight, the hero is Damien Maia...

For the first 2 rounds, Silva danc...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Ipod killed the mix tape...

I was fortunate enough to have grown up in the 80's where cassette tapes were still a fashionable thing... Remember taping songs off the radio... Everynight I sit by by Radio Cassette player, listening to the top 50, hoping to grab all the songs I wanted... 

When you have a new mix tape, you play it till you either got bored off it or that the tape scratches and dies... Sometimes from tape to tape, certain songs would get carried over for one more tape... now that's the hard part... cos everyone knows when you copy...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

JURY DUTY!!! 7 million people in HK, I get picked!

Thing about a lottery system is that the more you want it to happen, the more the odds are stacked against you... Think about it, everytime you are at in a large crowd holding raffle tickets, you are hoping it's you that gets called, and when they call the name, it's always someone who has a hotdog in his hand, with his ticket in his pocket with his change, he doesn't know he's won and his friends are telling him he won and he doesn't want to walk up to the stage to claim the prize cos it...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


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