***曾志偉睇好黃宗澤昨日曾志偉、導演邱禮濤、鄭丹瑞、麥曦茵及邵氏電影製作總監黃家禧與無線製作資源部總監樂易玲等一同出席「邵氏2011年度電影製作發布會」,公布來年邵氏將會開拍喜劇《福祿壽》、警匪動作片《Laughing Gor之潛行追擊》、勵志劇情片《衝上雲霄》、驚懼懸疑片《天機變》、動作黑幫片《江湖義》、現代男女愛情都市劇《覓食男女》及《一屋寶貝》七部電影。期間鄭丹瑞講到去年邵氏電影時,表示最近林峰主演的《翡翠明珠》DVD很好賣,笑言因為觀眾想看有份客串演出的林峰舊愛潘霜霜。而問到監製大部分新片的志偉會否起用林峰時,他就表示大前提是要先寫好劇本,要以故事行先,所以未去到揀選演員一環。談到可找林峰演出《覓食男女》夠噱頭,志偉笑說︰「到開拍時都已變舊聞喇!不過,《江湖義》就決定由黃宗澤飾演一個由外國回流被迫加入黑道的大學生,最後為龍頭大哥。」**邵氏開新戲志偉飛林峯捧B...Read more
Ryan | 2nd Nov 2010 |
講鏟情報 | (727 Reads)
曾投資台灣電影《一席之地》的飛昇國際投資香港揁探類型電影《天馬行凶》,並於昨天舉行了開鏡儀式。《天馬...Read more
"Jiang Hu Yi" in the News... https://www.tvbchannel.com/bosco-wong-eric-tsang-arena-2.html
志偉開戲 黃宗澤代劉華
有消息指志偉將開拍電影《江湖2》,不禁令人聯想起六年前他曾監 製,並由張學友及劉德華主演的《江湖》。但志偉即解 釋說:「不是那個數字2,而係『義氣』的『義』,叫《江湖義》,係講述江湖義氣的事。」至於是否會找回劉德華及張學友擔演?志偉說:「我想搵黃宗澤 (Bosco),之前跟他合作過《72家租客》。找Bosco拍就可能跟無綫及邵氏合作,可能要明年三月才開拍。
Smile For Me in the News - http://www1.hk.apple.nextmedia.com/template/apple/art_main.php?iss_id=20101007&sec_id=462&art_id=14526856
Casting for a major role...
With the making of a lot of films, by the time pre-production rolls around, most of the major parts should already be cast... studios have their own artists as with a lot of other smaller production companies... But then again, things don't always work out, and one of our leads had to leave for another job, so we were left with a couple of weeks to recast...
Desperate times are usually when you make mistakes, so we took our time, looked at our options and went ...Read more
Entering the second week of pre-production for my movie, the crew and I are getting friendlier, the ice has been broken, these past few days they have been giving me advice on how to be a selfish director...
Locations in your Script...
Whenever there is a scene that says Exterior, Busy Intersection, Night, the first thing the project manager will ask, why busy intersection? the way I answered was... "it doesn't have to be, I can do just as well a scene in a more rural area..." the...Read more