Daniel Chan
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What are your Top 10 favorite films of all time?

Hey fellow AnDers, prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /


      I haven’t found any running Top 10 lists/Listmania going on AnD, thought I might start one, see if it will catch on… Will try to put up new subjects week to week. To begin, an easy one for me… What are your top 10 favorite films of all time?

 My Top 10 Films are...        1)     Boogie Nights  

                                              2)     Swingers

                                         3)     Nil By Mouth                  

                                         4)     Magnolia                         

                                         5)     Amores Perros                           

                                         6)     Chopper

                                         7)     Sexy Beast

                                         8)     Requiem for a Dream    

                                         9)   Bad Lieutenant

                                         10) American Psycho 



大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
the answer is.... dr. zhivago... empire strikes back.
大约 17 年 ago
Hey Daniel, This is so cool. I'm actually working on my list of fav movies, to prepare myself for interviews. Yes Peter Chan has engaged Waiting n transposed it into a smooth script n i cant wait to watch it on screen. Take care n see u around =)
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 33427
In no order... and there's more than 10 film on this part of the list...! - THX1138 - Hellboy (and I'm sure Hellboy 2) - The Devils Backbone - Pan's Labyrinth - Blade Runner - 12 Monkeys - Brazil - Tideland - Lord of the Rings (for sheer entertainment) - 28 Days Later - Fifth Element - Lawrence of Arabia Also (I'm forgettting a lot here) enjoy re-watching Dune, Dark City, Pitch Black, The Crow, Mad Max / Road Warrior, Batman Begins, Sin City, Star Wars 5,4,6 (fuck 1,2,3 sorry, they are rubbush), Spinal Tap, early Peter Sellers / Pink Panther, Sean Connery 007 flicks... lots of enjoyable movies around. Then there are movies which got screwed up at some point and could've been so much better: Aeon Flux, V for Vendetta, Constantine, Children of Men, UltraViolet, Underworld 1 & 2, Van Helsing, Tank Girl... the list here is endless... great ideas with incredible budgets made crap by Hollywood.
大约 17 年 ago
Kenjilui 15 blog profile
just too many favorites to list, just right at this moment, right at this time, some of the films came to my mind are (not in order): Good Morning (Ozu) City of Sadness Seven Samurai Oldboy Shaolin Soccer Bicycle Thieves Cabinet of Dr. Caligari Street Angel Solaris (Tarkovsky) Oktyabr i am sure if you ask me the same question again tomorrow, i'll probably give you another list...
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 33427
Tarkovsky Solaris! How the hell did I forget that one ... And add his Stalker to that list as well :)
大约 17 年 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
September 21, 2007