Official Artist
Daniel Wu
Actor , Director
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Mc Jin 搵兩餐

If you bought MC Jin's latest Hong Kong release ABC, then you might have seen the dvd it came with it. Terence and I produced the three videos for the album and I directed this one.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPSM3rR_8K4 This song is about Jin and his family but it's also the story of an immigrant family but it's also about just trying to get by in life. Which unless you were born rich, most people must struggle with. I thought the lyrics were great because they were intensely personal yet very universal at the same time. Since Jin was releasing his first album in Hong Kong, I wanted to take him out of the American Chinatown environment that he grew up in and place him right into the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong, like he belonged there. Because of a super limited budget, I kept the video as simple as possible so that you, as the viewer, can just focus on his words. So it's just a simple stedi-cam shot of Jin walking home from a long day of work telling you his story. Every man's struggle, Every man's life.  |如果你買了歐陽靖最新發行的專輯《ABC》,應該看過附送DVD了。子維和我負責制作這張專輯其中三首MV,我導演了這部。


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPSM3rR_8K4 這首歌說的是歐陽靖和他的家庭,是一個移民家庭的故事,也是如何維持生計的故事。除非你生來富有,絕大部分人都要努力度日。我認為詞寫得很棒,相當個人 化,也符和大部分人的生存狀態。這是歐陽靖在香港發的首張專輯,我想帶他跳脫出他成長的美國唐人街環境,讓他融入這熙熙攘攘的香港,就像他本屬於這裏。因 為資金非常有限,我把MV拍得盡量簡單,使作為觀眾的各位能更加註意他的歌詞。我用簡單的穩定攝影機拍攝了歐陽靖經過一天漫長的工作後,在走路回家的過程 中同時講述他的故事。每個人的奮鬥,每個人的生活。|如果你买了欧阳靖最新发行的专辑《ABC》,应该看过附送DVD了。子维和我负责制作这张专辑其中三首MV,我导演了这部。

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPSM3rR_8K4 这首歌说的是欧阳靖和他的家庭,是一个移民家庭的故事,也是如何维持生计的故事。除非你生来富有,绝大部分人都要努力度日。我认为词写得很棒,相当个人 化,也符和大部分人的生存状态。这是欧阳靖在香港发的首张专辑,我想带他跳脱出他成长的美国唐人街环境,让他融入这熙熙攘攘的香港,就像他本属于这里。因 为资金非常有限,我把MV拍得尽量简单,使作为观众的各位能更加注意他的歌词。我用简单的稳定摄影机拍摄了欧阳靖经过一天漫长的工作后,在走路回家的过程 中同时讲述他的故事。每个人的奋斗,每个人的生活。| MCJinが最近香港でリリースしたアルバム、ABC付録のDVDにこの動画は入っています。テレンスと僕はこのアルバムのために三本PVをプロデュースしましたが、僕が監督したのがこれです。

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPSM3rR_8K4 この歌は、ジン一家の歌でもあり、移民一家の物語でもあり、そしてただただ必死に生きようとしている人たちの物語でもあるのです。豊かな家庭に生まれよう が、生まれまいが、人はみなもがくものなのです。この歌の歌詞はすばらしいのです。極めて個人的なことを歌っていますが、同時に普遍的なことでもあるので す。ジンが香港で一番初めのアルバムをリリースして以来、僕はジンをアメリカのチャイナタウンで撮影したかったのです。そこはジンが育ち、そして現在ジン が必死に生きる香港と同様、ジンが属する場所でもあります。けれども、とても限られた予算の中で、僕はできる限りシンプルなビデオにして、みなさん視聴者 が、ジンの言葉に焦点をあてることができるようにしたのです。そのため、単にジンが仕事を終えて家に帰る道すがら、ジンが語りかけるショットにしたので す。すべての人は必死に努力を続け、それこそが人生なのです。

about 16 years ago 0 likes  70 comments  0 shares
Photo 50475
GOD DAMN - GREAT SONG GREAT BUDGET VIDEO - JUST LIKE "WAN LEUNG CHAN" - makes me want to buy a 5D II just to make home HD films (I am a die hard still photography guy who never done or want to do film), but this video really make me want to change. A BIT LIKE SAM HUI CLASSIC HK LYRICS WITH RAP. I LIKE "LEARN CHINESE" IN ENGLISH, BUT THIS ONE GOT TO BE THE FIRST MC JIN CHINESE CLASSIC RAP SONG! TERENCE AND MC JIN - KEEP GOING MEN!
about 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice work!
about 16 years ago
Photo 207899
I think that's really good for what u wanna bring out!
about 16 years ago
Photo 23697
you wouldn't happen to have this w/ English subtitles, would you?
about 16 years ago
Jayson 93 2
Love the video and song! I can definitely relate to the lyrics, the whole restaurant, having just enough money, etc.
about 16 years ago
37520 200909222230394 dot thumb
I saw most all the vidz made...and I have to say that this one really made an impact on me...of course...It got the point made and pf course...This ain't holly wood....everything in HK in about time and bidget...But good job guys....whens mine coming out?hehe
about 16 years ago
Very good man!!
about 16 years ago
Photo 65978
nice. raw.
about 16 years ago
Paradox din 81 20131002 din 116 edit
great video... with limit budget this is good.
about 16 years ago
Photo 56133
I need a MuZiK Video too Daniel!!!!
about 16 years ago
Markryan f4 markryan
Word! Might have been more effective if Jin wore a tanktop (wifebeater) pulled up over his stomach and a few tattoos...and some shots of Jin sitting in a truck with like 10 other guys, stuck in traffic. (jokes) Good Sh*t!
about 16 years ago


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