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Daniel Wu
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I hate this woman!|我恨這女人!|我恨这女人!|この女は嫌いだ

I know I wasn't gonna get too political here but I just can't help it. I really hate Sarah Palin. If McCain gets elected, I might have to shoot myself. He would be the oldest president ever to take office and if he had a stroke or his cancer came back, this is who we'd have running things? Even as a vice president she's an idiot and embarrassment to all American people. She reminds me of a female George Bush with that stupid smug look on her face when she speaks. I'm an actor, I can detect an insincere smile masking insecurity from a million miles away. The winking and "folksyness" is her playing up a persona. I don't understand the folksy appeal anyway, I don't want the soccer mom next door making big decisions for my country. I wouldn't want somebody just like me and that I could relate to, I would want someone way more intelligent  than me skillfully handling the serious problems that our country needs to face right now. No more fakes please, we need someone genuine and sincere up there running things. Watch her interview with Katie Couric struggling to keep that smile while failing miserably at trying to connect Russia's geographical closeness to Alaska as an example of her foreign policy experience.

Watch Matt Damon rip her one here:

And this is just the very very tiny little sliver of the tip of the iceberg here about why she is so wrong for America. I could go on and on. Her recent attempt to smear Obama as having "terrorist relations" because he knew a guy that was part of the Weathermen back in the sixties is ridiculous. Just as stupid as when Fox news tried to call Barrack and Michelle's fist bump a terrorist handshake. I bet she had never heard of the Weathermen until someone on her staff told her to make those comments and she probably still doesn't. The Weathermen are not the kind of terrorists that we need to be fighting never mind the fact that they don't exist in that form anymore. What's next? Would she accuse Obama of being a terrorist himself for considering Malcom X a role model since he used violence in his early days? I'm sure Palin's logic would probably draw the link. If you're American, you better vote, this will be probably the most important election ever. If you care about America and want some respectable people in the White House for a change, then you better vote Obama/Biden. |
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我知道不該在這兒這麽政治化,但我還是忍不住。我真的恨薩拉•佩林,如果麥凱恩選舉成功,我可能會吞槍自殺。他可能是史上最老的總統,萬一他中風或癌癥復發,難道這就是我們依賴管事的人?就算是副總統,對美國人民來說,她是個傻瓜,真丟人。她說話時臉上的愚蠢和自鳴得意讓我想起了女版喬治•布什。我是個演員,能從百萬英裏外就覺察到虛假笑容掩飾下的不安全感。她的眼神和外表”平易近人”是她扮演的角色。總之我無法理解平易近人的訴求,我不希望讓這鄰家的足球母親為我的國家做重大決定,不希望是跟我差不多或我能扯上關系的人,我想要比我聰明、能嫻熟處理我們國家正面臨的嚴峻問題的人。請不要再偽裝,我們需要更誠懇、真摯的人做事。看她接受Katie Couric采訪時悲慘的失敗,認為當阿拉斯加州州長就能給她外交經驗,是因為地源上跟俄羅斯的關系,她還在努力保持那種笑容。

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這只是美國選擇她將大錯特錯的原因中,冰山上極小極小的一角,我還能舉更多例子。她最近努力中傷奧巴馬和”恐怖分子”有聯系,因為他認識一個曾經參與60年代”地下氣象員"活動的人,真是荒謬。跟Fox新聞評論員將奧 巴馬與夫人Michelle初選獲勝時擊拳相慶的簡單手勢,都能解讀為“恐怖分子的擊拳致意”同樣愚蠢。我打賭她從沒聽說過”地下氣象員”活動,是有人告訴她要這麽說,現在她可能還不大明白。”地下氣象員”並不是我們正在鬥爭的恐怖分子,即使這組織早已不存在了。接下來?她會不會參照馬爾科姆•X,因其早年曾使用暴力,而指責奧巴馬本人就是恐怖分子?我肯定按照佩林的邏輯很可能這麽幹。如果你是美國人,你最好投票,這可能是史上最重要的選舉。如果你關心美國,希望白宮入駐一些值得尊敬的人,改變這個國家,那你最好投票給奧巴馬/拜登。 |
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我知道不该在这儿这么政治化,但我还是忍不住。我真的恨萨拉·佩林,如果麦凯恩选举成功,我可能会吞枪自杀。他可能是史上最老的总统,万一他中风或癌症复发,难道这就是我们依赖管事的人?就算是副总统,对美国人民来说,她是个傻瓜,真丢人。她说话时脸上的愚蠢和自鸣得意让我想起了女版乔治·布什。我是个演员,能从百万英里外就觉察到虚假笑容掩饰下的不安全感。她的眼神和外表”平易近人”是她扮演的角色。总之我无法理解平易近人的诉求,我不希望让这邻家的足球母亲为我的国家做重大决定,不希望是跟我差不多或我能扯上关系的人,我想要比我聪明、能娴熟处理我们国家正面临的严峻问题的人。请不要再伪装,我们需要更诚恳、真挚的人做事。看她接受Katie Couric采访时悲惨的失败,认为当阿拉斯加州州长就能给她外交经验,是因为地源上跟俄罗斯的关系,她还在努力保持那种笑容。

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这只是美国选择她将大错特错的原因中,冰山上极小极小的一角,我还能举更多例子。她最近努力中伤奥巴马和”恐怖分子”有联系,因为他认识一个曾经参与60年代”地下气象员”活动的人,真是荒谬。跟Fox新闻评论员将奥 巴马与夫人Michelle初选获胜时击拳相庆的简单手势,都能解读为“恐怖分子的击拳致意”同样愚蠢。我打赌她从没听说过”地下气象员”活动,是有人告诉她要这么说,现在她可能还不大明白。”地下气象员”并不是我们正在斗争的恐怖分子,即使这组织早已不存在了。接下来?她会不会参照马尔科姆·X,因其早年曾使用暴力,而指责奥巴马本人就是恐怖分子?我肯定按照佩林的逻辑很可能这么干。如果你是美国人,你最好投票,这可能是史上最重要的选举。如果你关心美国,希望白宫入驻一些值得尊敬的人,改变这个国家,那你最好投票给奥巴马/拜登。 |
この場でそれほど政治的な発言をするべきではないのはわかってるよ。だけど、これだけは言わせてほしい。サラ・ペイリンが本当に嫌いなんだ。いいか、もし もマケインが大統領になったら、俺は自分で頭をぶち抜くよ。マケインは大統領としては一番高齢になるだろうし、仮に脳卒中やガンの再発があってみろ、誰が 執務をとることになる?副大統領としても、ペイリンは馬鹿でアメリカの恥さらしだ。喋るときの独りよがりの顔をみろ、女版ジョージ・ブッシュってところ じゃないか。俺は俳優だよ、何百万マイルの先からだってあの偽善的な笑いの下の自信のなさを見抜いたさ。あのウィンクも「素朴さ」も、あの女の演じている 訳でしかないんだ。あの素朴さなんてどうってことはない。隣の家のサッカー・ママが国家の行方を左右させるなんて冗談じゃない。俺だったり、俺の周りにい るような連中じゃなくって、もっと知的で、国家が直面する重大な問題について処理できる人がいいんだ。もう嘘はいらない。真摯で誠実に執務をとる誰かがい いんだ。ケイティ・コリックのペイリンへのインタヴューを見てみろよ。外交問題の経験の例として、アラスカに地理的に隣接するロシアについての受け答えに みじめに失敗して、必死に笑顔をキープしようとしているんだから。


そして、以下になぜ彼女がアメリカにとって最悪か、その理由の説明の氷山のほんの一角にすぎないけどやってみよう。俺はいくらでも続けられるんだ。彼女は 最近オバマを「テロリストの関係者」として辱めようとしたね。オバマが60年代にウェザーマンのメンバーだった男を知っていたからってっさ。ひどいよね。 Foxテレビがバラクとマイケルをテロリストと握手したって貶めようとしたのと同じく、馬鹿げているよね。ペイリンはウェザーマンなんて、スタッフに何か コメントをするために言われるまで何も知らなかった方にかけるし、今も多分知らないよ。ウェザーマンというのはね、俺たちが戦わねばならないテロリスト じゃないし、もはや存在しない集団なんだよ。次はなんだろうね?オバマ自身が若い頃マルコムXをロールモデルとして暴力に身を投じたことがあるからテロリ ストだって告発するんだろう?ペイリンのロジックが成立しうることはわかってるさ。アメリカ人なら、より良い方に投票しようじゃないか。今回の選挙は今ま でで一番重要な選挙になるはずなんだ。もしもアメリカのことを気にかけ、変革のためにホワイトハウスに責任感のある人たちを送り込みたいなら、オバマとバ イデンに投票しようじゃないか。

over 15 years ago 0 likes  106 comments  0 shares
Photo 33427
Everybody better vote otherwise I'm running for President next time around. Hell if Palin can get within 500 miles of the White house I got a pretty good chance.
over 15 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
The only thing I like about Palin is that Tina Fey's commedic stylings on SNL are freaking hilarious. But other than that, I wouldn't touch her with a fully extended monkey king staff.
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
stop trying to impose your San Francisco Values on my right to shoot wolves from a helicopter! Ha ha. I actually agree with you 100%, I blogged the same vids too. Like a bad disney movie!
over 15 years ago
Photo 43244
amen, brother.
over 15 years ago
10527800 995836987877 2229692523636585837 n
hey hey HEY! i thought you said you wouldnt hold a political bias in this matter. I wont disagree with you on alot of matters. but Regardless of alot of things, I think people are better off deciding for themselves who to vote for. You have to understand, you hold a pretty important position as a celebrity in what people decide. Your influence is almost representing alot of Asian Americans (as America tends to hold alot of high profile people responsible for their political views). So even though I may agree/disagree with your views, please try and refrain from you're personal opinions from such a matter. You know the rules, don't talk about religion and politics. Let the ignorant, stupid, smart and educated decide for themselves on this matter. It's touchy and very very controversial. I try not to hold a view either. But i suggest for arguments sake if you're going to include videos that support Obama, include legitimate media info that supports McCain as well. When you write an A grade paper, you include both sides of the argument before you write your conclusion, am I right? I'm a US citizen, I live in HK, I lean towards the Democrat Party. But as a blog holder on AnD, I try not to encourage people to vote what I want to vote, as it become a dangerous position to be in. Consider!!
over 15 years ago
Sorry John Jay Lee, sorry to disappoint you but I'm going to try whatever way possible to make sure we don't get another eight years of hell. Btw, there isn't a rule about politics and religion. I'm not religious so I don't talk about religion but when it comes down to who is going to rule my country then I will us my influence in the exact same way I use my influence for charities and other causes because the way I see it, this election is equally if not even more important.
over 15 years ago
Photo 50475
I am NOT a US citizen. But I am happy G Bush Jr. is going and hope McCain and Palin DO NOT get in office. Daniel is right. Eight years of hell from Bush is enough. To Jonathan Jay Lee, I don't think Daniel is wrong for making his stance. It shows he care about his country! Palin is a fool in the interview video about the foreign relationship between Alaska and Russia - does she really know what foreign policy is about. She sounds like a racist! Obama / Biden go go go. Lastly, yes, McCain is old and Palin is inexperienced / too folksy / patronizing!
over 15 years ago
Photo 50475
To Jonathan Jay Lee Isn't USA about freedom of speech, ideas and expression or is it some kind of false democracy. Daniel can say what he wants and feels. Maybe hating someone is a strong word. Palin's so called foreign policy is a joke and god help us that she does not get in. The USA thinks it is the big brother of the world, then vote someone like Biden as VP (at least he has lots of foreign policies experience and not that old). The USA President has a great influence in the world, NOT just the USA. Lastly, I lived in the UK for a long time and thought sticking to political parties is NO LONGER a good thing to do (major parties are Conservative and Labour). Different parties can input new political views. Regardless of political party, the candidates' choice should also be judged.
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
a blog is basically the equivalent of an editorial column in a newspaper, where opinions are allowed, its not pretending to be journalism, so therefore 'fair and balanced' are not a requisite. (addressing the counter argument is a good way to persuade the reader, but that's up to the author). Sitting on the sidelines is your right, but not sitting on the sidelines is also a right...
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ps - if you really want to dislike her even MORE... watch this: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27054958/
over 15 years ago
10527800 995836987877 2229692523636585837 n
Excellent!! I love a good debate!
over 15 years ago


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