Got my stitches out today. All 13. I was also able to get a good look at the leg. All I have to say is, it's not a pretty sight so I'll spare all y'all from having to look at nasty pictures. But here is the new x-ray with all the plates in my leg! It's actually pretty amazing at what they can do now. Most of that stuff will be removed later but that long plate down the fibula is staying for good. I guess I have to stay away from high-power magnets from now on.
Here are some other photos I've been meaning to post but haven't had the chance. My favorite T.V. show. Pre-leg break. I was going to try and get tickets for the show but I don't think my leg could handle sitting through the whole show now. Look! The Latino version of Alive!!! Who is who? |今天拆掉了腳上的縫線和所有霉運。我得以好好看了看自己的腳,不太好看,所以還是不放照片上來。但有一張新拍的裝金屬片之後X光的腳照片!現在他們做得真是太棒了。過一陣子大部分東西都可以拿掉,但腓骨下面長長的金屬片可能要放在裏面一段時間。我猜從現在開始我得遠離強磁力的吸引了。
|今天拆掉了脚上的缝线和所有霉运。我得以好好看了看自己的脚,不太好看,所以还是不放照片上来。但有一张新拍的装金属片之后 X光的脚照片!现在他们做得真是太棒了。过一阵子大部分东西都可以拿掉,但腓骨下面长长的金属片可能要放在里面一段时间。我猜从现在开始我得远离强磁力的吸引了。 下面是之前没机会帖的一些照片: 我最爱的电视表演,腿断之前拍的。本想买票去看,但目前我的腿可能无法支持我站着看完整场。 看!拉丁版的 Alive!!!谁是谁呢?