Official Artist
Joseph Kwan
Cinematographer / Camera Operator , Producer , Photographer
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Looking for English Speaking Actors/Actress for comedic online short(s)

Hi fellow artists, I am now producing a series of online shorts in Hong Kong.  This series is a comedy based in the office environement and for the next little while we need various artists to come up on the show as guests appearances.  We have an experienced professional television crew and so the 2minute short will not take long to film (usually 3-4 hours max and you will be compensated for your appearance).  If you are interested please mssage me and with your deta...Read more

about 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

It's a wrap! Thank you from top to bottom! Great shoot, everyone was exceptional. Special thanks to Wei Shing Carlun Lee for the hard work and quick thinking as always and Sue for the exceptional Sound (sound make 1/3 the movie in cinema) and of course special thanks to Britannia Studylink and Red Mr. for the great Venue.

almost 8 years ago 19 likes  0 comment  2 shares

How come Japanese people aren't fat? How can you resist eating in Japan?

over 8 years ago 11 likes  0 comment  0 shares


over 8 years ago 15 likes  0 comment  0 shares


over 8 years ago 19 likes  0 comment  0 shares

李錦聯係 00:05 講咩吖。TVB 咁都察覺唔到。嘩重要嗰個時間好多小朋友睇電視。“真係士多啤梨”

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over 8 years ago 2 likes  0 comment  0 shares

PSA* Do not pray for France! Do Not Mention ISIS! Pray in your hearts. Your sympathy and sadness only fuels this cowardly act.

over 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

anyone know where I can get some big wooden crate pieces like in the picture? Need it for a shoot.

over 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


over 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Hong Kong
Member Since
July 4, 2007