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Bill Clinton supports Obama|比爾•克林頓支持奧巴馬|比尔•克林顿支持奥巴马|ビル・クリントンはオバマを支援する

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3r6xvwPGcYWell thanks to my friends in Beijing, I've been at home sick the past few days. Nothing to worry about though because it allowed me to watch the Democratic National Convention and to finally see Obama officially announced as the Democratic National Candidate. If you've been reading this blog or know me in any way what so ever, you know I have been supporting Obama for quite some time now. But this weeks speeches by all the big wigs of the Democratic parties really hit it home for me because they finally showed the solidarity needed to take back the presidency and make the move to bring America back out of the hell it's been in for the past 8 years. The primary battle between Hilary Clinton and Obama and the divisions it caused within the party had me worried that there may some huge struggles in beating McCain and keeping the old guard out of the White House. But this weeks DNC showed that the Democratic party is fully behind Obama to take the presidency.

I was most impressed by Bill Clinton's unequivocal support for Obama in the speech above. He puts to rest all doubts that Obama may not be ready to lead as well as help bring all Hillary supporters to the forefront in this battle that needs to be won. Kudos to Bill for yet another great speech. Now we just have to make sure Obama wins this campaign. If you haven't registered to vote, do it now!! America has never needed your vote more.

I've seen some comments from some of you about my Obama blogs, saying things like "Why should I care? I'm not American". Well the fact is you should care because it is the stupid things that the American government has done in the past 8 years that affects every single person in this world. George Bush has lead America like a common gangster, he pushed his way into the White House and has done nothing but use fear to lead the country into chaos. Him and all his oil buddies are sitting pretty as their pockets get fatter while you, the global consumer pays for it all. Rising gas prices doesn't only affect those who drive, it affects the cost of everything from airplane tickets to the price of food. So let's keep hope alive and hope for the rest of the world that Barack Obama becomes president in November.


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3r6xvwPGcY[if gte mso 9]> Normal/w:View 0/w:Zoom 7.8 磅/w:DrawingGridVerticalSpacing 0/w:DisplayHorizontalDrawingGridEvery 2/w:DisplayVerticalDrawingGridEvery false/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid false/w:IgnoreMixedContent false/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText /w:Compatibility MicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument <![endif][if gte mso 9]> /w:LatentStyles <![endif]






Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3r6xvwPGcY 北京の友人たちのおかげで、ここ何日間か僕は風邪をひいて家にこもってしまったよ。だけど、心配するようなことは何もなくて、民主党の全国大会の模様を見 られたし、オバマが民主党の代表に選出されるよころも見られたんだ。ずっとここを見てる人たちや、どんな形であれ僕を知っている人だったら、僕がずっとオ バマを支援してるのを知ってるよね。だけど、民主党のおえらいさんたちの今週の演説は価値があったよ。というのも、彼らは最終的に大統領の座を取り戻し、 アメリカをここ8年の地獄から救うのに必要な連帯性を示したんだ。予備選挙でのヒラリー・クリントンとオバマや、政党内部での各派の戦いを見てると、マケ インを倒し、ホワイトハウスの保守層を閉めだすには多くの障害があるんじゃないかと思った。だけど、今週の民主党全国大会では民主党は大統領戦に向けてオ バマの元での結束を見せたよ。

僕はビル・クリントンのオバマへの揺るぎない支援を表明した上の演説が一番印象深かったよ。彼は、オバマが僕だの指導者として準備不足という疑いを晴ら し、それと同時に勝利するためにはヒラリー支持者をこの戦いの先鋒としなければならないと主張したんだ。ビルへの賞賛は他のスピーチまで待とうか。今ここ に僕らはオバマをこの大統領選に勝たせなきゃならない。もしも投票するために登録してないなら、すぐさま登録しよう!!アメリカは君の投票を必要としてる んだ。

僕はオバマに関する過去のブログについて、「僕はアメリカ人じゃないし、なんの関係があるのさ?」というようなコメントを見たよ。事実君たちにも関わりが あるんだよ。というのも、アメリカ政府がここ8年やってきた馬鹿なことは世界中の人々に影響があるんだ。ジョージ・ブッシュはアメリカをまるでギャングの ように支配し、ホワイトハウスに自分のやり方を押し付け、恐怖を用いてこの国を混乱に陥れる以外に何もしやしない。あいつや、石油仲間は君たちや世界中の 顧客が奴らに支払う金でポケットが膨れてくるので、座ってにこにこしてるのさ。ガソリン価格の上昇は、運転する人だけじゃなくって、すべてのことがら、つ まり飛行機のチケットから食糧費までのすべての物価の上昇に影響するんだ。だから、生きる希望を持ち続けようじゃないか。世界は11月にバラク・オバマを 大統領に望むのさ。

over 16 years ago 0 likes  86 comments  0 shares
Photo 65978
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i think McCain's choice of VP just put the nail in his own coffin... so don't worry. ;-)
over 16 years ago
Photo 92902
I am sure he does. Obama is US life saver.
over 16 years ago
Photo 22998
About candidate differences: I think the differernces are pretty drastic. McCain is of the &quot;My way or the Highway&quot; school of thinking (The Bush Way) and of a lineage of political powerbrokerage. Remember, the whole point of his vietnam story that he tells every chance he has is rooted in the fact that he was a priveledged child to begin with. Obama is much more worldly character from the mindset of a country for the people and by the people - like the constitution promised. Which, by the way, Obama was a constitutional lawyer, so he knows what the country is supposed to be about - and it's not a handful of powerbrokers who believe they are better than the rest of the world by birthright.
over 16 years ago
Hope you feel better, Bro. I just got injured last week..my right knee also. Never felt so much pain from a leg injury before. I feel ya, mang.
over 16 years ago
Photo 94366
Democracy in America??? he he
over 16 years ago


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