Studio Rice X SLXmedia X Pho Yummy
Yet another perfect fusion of SLX & Rice, With real passion for pho I mean Art, me and Stan branded our friends new pho restaurant. first store is due to open next week in East Nanjing rd, heart of Shanghai~ if you like art I mean pho. drop by and enjoy a hot bowl of authentic pho~
Studio Rice X SLXmedia X 越味凤
朋友开的越南风味连锁 由本人跟 SLXmedia 的 Stan 小小的给它品牌设计了下, 南京东路店下星期开张 喜欢越南风味料理的来尝尝咯. 不错吃哦! more
I have been side tracked alot lately! countless meetings, Taiwan trip, packing stuff up (yap..I am moving again...dont ask why). I keep missing my own dead lines for Tank Mates ( The famous fish project that I have been working on for the past year and helf...). as xmas is getting closer, I must stay focus and launch my site...
This is another peice thats gonna be part of the site. I just have no idea where I am going to put it yet... lol, but at least I get to sit down and draw and get somthing done! a rare opport...Read more
1 day before my flight to Taiwan, I was asked to help out and design a poster for Hip Hop 2 Chinas holloween party at Muse. I am the type of person that only packs like 2 hours before going to the airport, so this is like death! because I was so busy the last few days with production meetings and deadline, by the time I get to sit down with my pencil and a clear head I had about less then 5 hours to draw something, pack and get to airport. so my plan was try to come up with something simple but still decent. Here I present you "...Read more
A little rude comedy fun, but hey its the weekend so I guess I can get away with it >;-D I love Robot Chicken, Seth Green is awsome! I want to move toys for living too! cry~
10月28-11月04 台湾Taiwan 台北Taipei
It's been a long long while since my last return of Taipei city, well Taiwan in general, this time I am back for my grandparents birthday ( Of course mine too, but a 32 year old birthday seems to have absolute no weight when you are celebrating with a 94 and a 87 year old.... ) suddenly relized grandpa is old, I am getting old, Taiwan's economy is down and Taipei just got quieter.
Overall its a good trip, Taipei is part of my home, and its always good to be home, even its just for 7 short days :)Read more
With lighting speed I present you the finished, edited, stylized, vid of the Puma x F1 x Volar party. brought to you by the magical hands of Stanley Yang and the crew of SLXmedia~
Stan剪好的 Puma x F1 x Volar 派对视频, 效果很HIGH喔, 看看很欣慰,也对得起举了一晚上摄影机的右手~
This is the FIRST solution I've seen make ANY SENSE.
How about it, America!?Video:
As my friend Scott reminded me that the 700 Mole men project is underway, I cant helped it but to put all my work aside and draw a Mole men, so here it is~ Mole man #669 Mr Porter Suckneck, who climbs on your back and feeds on your blood. Anyone who doesnt know what I am talking about, visit the
700地底人计划, 669号 波特 吸颈 先生~完全不知道我在说啥的可以去以下链接看看,当然前提是你要看得懂英文,然后又对地底人计划感兴趣>:-D
Big Puma F1 party at Volar Shanghai, our crew ( SLXMEDIA ) were in da house to cover the events for Volar! ( so alot of work and no play :( and my right arm is hurting so bad for holding the camera for 5 hours....) some celeb showed up for the event like Kitty Zhang and some dude I dont know his name, they made an entry and then went second floor to party in their little own restricted area, I end up in the none restrected area stuffing party food and free cocktail :)
SLXMEDIA今晚的任务是帮Volar记录Puma 的 F1赛车派对.活动还蛮热闹的, Volar门口搞来了台用鞋子...Read more
Felix from Hip Hop 2 china invited our crew to the Black Box @ Muse party, lots of drinks and some live tongue from rapper Young-Cee and singer Li-Tong. it was happening. here is the event poster and some shots form the part, taken by good people at the city moments~
嘻哈在中国(这样翻会不会被打) 的 Felix, 邀我们一群人去 上海 Muse参加他们BLACK BOX办的派对. 就一群人都去了, 酒很多 人也很多, 饶舌表演 也不差, 完毕, city moments 拍的照片借来给大家看看.
This is Money welcome to my world of silliness~ 胡搞是一种态度啦,耍白痴更是一种精神~