Big Puma F1 party at Volar Shanghai, our crew ( SLXMEDIA ) were in da house to cover the events for Volar! ( so alot of work and no play :( and my right arm is hurting so bad for holding the camera for 5 hours....) some celeb showed up for the event like Kitty Zhang and some dude I dont know his name, they made an entry and then went second floor to party in their little own restricted area, I end up in the none restrected area stuffing party food and free cocktail :)
SLXMEDIA今晚的任务是帮Volar记录Puma 的 F1赛车派对.活动还蛮热闹的, Volar门口搞来了台用鞋子做的原比例F1赛车,可是没多久就不见了,没看到 难道是开走了吗? 2楼还搞了个Puma的服装SHOW, 不过个人觉得就一般,可能因为场地太小了吧, 女星张雨绮(长江七号那个) 跟另外一个不熟的( 应该是男星) 也来到现场, 拍拍照就上楼去VIP区域自个玩去了,我则是在VIP区域外狂喝免费的鸡尾酒跟搜刮派对食物. 工作结束已经3点多了, 右手因为举了5个小时的摄影机酸到不行...
This is Money welcome to my world of silliness~ 胡搞是一种态度啦,耍白痴更是一种精神~