Celine H
歌手, 模特儿, 笔者
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Christmas Party 公司聖誕節派對


I missed out the company Christmas party last year because I was in Beijing. And this year I got three to go to. One cocktail party, one dinner and one lunch!

Seems like life is making up for me.

Here are the Christmas Dinner photos:


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Life update


It has been a long time since I updated my blog. Many things have happened with my life in the past few months. Just to list a few:

  1. Moved back from Beijing to Sydney (all the way with my 63kg luggage!)

  2. Started a new job (totally new industry...)

  3. Started a new course (psychology anyone?)

  4. Bought a car (after weeks of searching and waiting)

  5. In the process of buying an apartment in Sydney (either too small or too expensive...ugh)

Talk about b...Read more

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AnD 上得去了嗎?

Mmmm.... AnD最近這幾天被封鎖掉了, 在中國怎麼都上不去... 我現人在澳洲才看得到.



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幫好友Dalson打廣告... 大家去投他一票吧 ;-)

這篇是從好友DalsonOrange Shake 之 DJ瞎不瞎 那裡直接COPY來的. 昨晚和一群包括Iris, Dasson, 仙貝, 一楠一起吃飯時我第一就恭喜他入圍了中國時大創意總監名單, 不過光是這樣還不夠唷... 是朋友就應該拉票. 所以...

大家有空去投投票吧 (拜託~拜託~) ;-)


怎麼有這麼好的事2008-11-02 4:16AM / 標準BLOG

今年廣告節得到了一金五銀二銅之後,我的演講、出席各種時尚party的工作越來越多了,週四我參加了知名滑雪品牌  burton 的08年電影的首映酒會,還有伏特加42的活動,我還看到了電影變形金剛的製片,讓我感覺自己好像進入了時尚界,但有些活動跟我身分其實沒太多關係......Read more

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I can be famous, TOO!

Thanks tolifan_tseng, I am becoming famous too!

感謝lifan_tseng讓我有成名的一天! 呵呵~


This website ( http://www.photofunia.com/) is fun fun fun! Look what I have acheived in the past few minutes:

這個網站( http://www.photofunia.com/)真是超級好玩的, 看...Read more

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Hi my name is Celine. I am an Online Shopaholic.

嗯... 回台灣這幾天居然迷上一件事情... 就是... ..."網購". 真是宅女.


本來想如果不出門的話就不會花錢了, 結果居然被我發現這個購物網站. 覺得衣服都好便宜好漂亮唷, 然後就一直點一直點的, 結果...


因為澳洲的衣服真的都很貴, 尺寸也跟我不太合, 所以才.. (看, 還在為自己敗家找藉口)


真的不能再宅了. 有沒有那種給online shopaholic參加的輔導團體?!

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In Taipei. 回台北了!

Well... I am back to Taipei now!  Will be here for two weeks... Non-stop eating again! Oh yeah.


Come on my friends. If you are in Taipei in the same time just leave me a message. We might go to Shih-Lin Night Market together!


回台北了! 才剛下飛機就嚐了朝思暮想的鹹酥雞... 太棒了!


如果你/妳也在台北的話, 也許我們可以一起去逛士林夜市呢! 呵呵...

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偶爾出差又和長期出差大不相同。 類似我這樣一年至少出差四五個月、甚至更多的人,才真正了解箇中滋味。

『箇中滋味』是什麼? 那就是,我們都被誤解了。




『Have a nice holiday!』經常是我那群可愛同事們給我的歡送辭。是的,我是有時會幸運地飛往世上幾個另人嚮往的城市洽公,那代表:當整座城市的人都在享受陽光/綠野/河道/歷史街景/SPA等等時,我正坐在辦公室/會議間/展覽大堂裡苦力工作著!<...Read more

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My Australian Tour - lots of travel but lots of fun!


I haven't even had time to update my "latest status" which was a week in Melbourne during the AFL (Australian Football League) Grand Final (which is sensational by the way). And now I am sitting in the Melbourne Domestic Airport waiting for my flight to Adelaide. Guess what? I am not compla...Read more

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看了 skyshell新寫的一篇"精神年齡", 也在十月號Marie Claire嘉人中國版裡讀了一篇"數字不能將我們定義"的文章,  我不禁思考女人與數字打得這場永遠的仗.


我不諱言我的精神年齡始終以小著稱, 或者妳可以說是幼稚. 我喜歡稱這叫"童心未泯", 因為不管多老的靈魂都有一處最...Read more

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戀愛是氧氣, 是最奢侈的保養品, 無法用錢買到的灌溉也最珍稀. On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, hokkien
July 18, 2007