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Celine H
Singer , Model , Author
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I listen to it from my iPod every time when I am commuting - on the taxi, on the bus, on the train, on the plane.

There are times I would just lock myself in the hotel suite, "I've gone to ground", and counting the minute, second, until the time I could finally return home. Journey's always long. It's long from the moment I've left your side.

And If I am back to you. That's because you are my destiny.



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over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

生活品質 挪威最優

今天在報上讀到這篇文章,心裡感觸挺多的... prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /


搬來北京大概四個多月了,對於每天黑霧般的污染終於開始見怪不怪,說習慣也不是習慣,但也漸漸有點遺忘澳洲的青山綠水與新鮮空氣. 雖然走起路來腳步也開始趕集似的快,對人事物的容忍度也相對來說變得低多了.不過因為慢慢地交了些不錯的朋友,我覺得自己的思鄉已經不再是那麼折騰人了.應該說,我開始喜歡上這個城市.


生活品質的標準其實有點見仁見智,因為很多人認為世界生活品質排名第三的澳洲是個極其枯燥乏味的國家,就連最繁華的悉尼墨爾本都被歸為無聊之列.對於某些人來說, "生活品質"等於"便利",滿街都是二十四小時不打烊的店才稱得上第一世界. 


很久以前我讀過一篇文章,提到有關從台灣移民在加拿大的生活,篇中用了"快樂地獄"來形容台北, 而溫哥華卻是"寂寞天堂".我的震撼其實滿大的.原來一個地方的好或不好還是要用心靈去衡量.因為最美麗的地方可能最容...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


這是去年發生的事了...不過最近遇到挺多Rocker的, 拿出來給大家笑笑吧....




2006年即將接近尾聲, 和朋友把今年發生的新鮮事當大事紀般的一一列起, 討論結果是我的"綠洲遊記"奪得冠軍.


話說今年二月底我從韓國出差完又赴新加坡開會,...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares



Someone asked me if I have never heard of Oasis before how could I say that I like British Pop...? Well good question.


Really the only British band that I knew was COLDPLAY. And I don't just like them. I love them.


That was many years ago when I came across their music - it was the song Yellow, played on a late night music program called "Rave". I was hooked instantly. I went to the record shop and asked for it but I could not find it from the main stream record stores (that was long before...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Eskimo Joe

I wonder if any one has ever heard of Eskimo Joe


Eskimo Joe is an Australian band and it's actually from Perth, Western Australia - my favorite city where I used to live! Perth is said to be the most isolated city in the world. I guess because of this we Perth people are really proud of ANY famous people from this region, Heath Ledger for example, and of course, Eskimo Joe. Except, Heath Ledger is much more famous...


Never mind. I still love the music.

Video: Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares




偶爾出差又和長期出差大不相同。 類似我這樣一個月至少出差兩三個星期、甚至更久的人,才真正了解箇中滋味。

『箇中滋味』是什麼? 那就是,我們都被誤解了。




『Have a nice holiday!』經常是我那群可愛同事們給我的歡送辭。是的,我是有時會幸運地飛往世上幾個另人嚮往的城市洽公,那代表:當整座城市的人都在享受陽光/綠野/河道/歷史街景/SPA等等時,我正坐在辦公室/會議間/展覽大堂裡苦力工作著!<...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


到達成都的晚上大雨傾盆, 飛機在空中盤旋了好一陣子才給落地, 擁塞的機場裏像打仗一樣地拿了行李找到司機, 趕忙往位於市中心的酒店直奔.


沿路上其實看到的還是滿滿地工程建設, 建地鐵建高樓, 除了比起北京有著明顯的綠化之外, 這時我還沒發現這個城市與其他城市的不同之處.


不過我一直很期待成都之行. 這城市可說是"有口皆碑". 赫赫有名的兩美, 美食與美女, 問到的人無不豎指稱讚. 對愛吃愛玩又愛美(女)的我幾乎是像天堂一樣的城市吧.


美食已經嚐到了, 滿滿一桌都是成都傳統小吃. 現在就等看美女!




over 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

Beautiful Words


Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. 

The woman came out of a man's rib.  

Not from his feet to be walked on.  

Not from his head to be superior, but from the side to be equal.  

Under the arm to be protected,  and next to the heart to be loved.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

James Market




當然這樣子找住的地方是很好笑,因為我們連單行道雙行道怎樣走怎樣饒都搞不清楚,開來開去就在一個 叫做NEW FARM的地方迷路了。我們一邊對著地圖找上高速公路回去黃金海岸,一邊對著路標。開著開著,原本左右滿滿排著的昆士蘭木造式建築民宅突然間被精品服飾露天咖啡和來往的人潮給取代了,在我們張大嘴巴吃驚的同時,JAM...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

High Tea in the Bird Cage


We went to The Ritz-Calton in Beijing for High Tea recently.  Having High Tea from a bird cage is a bit.... Well, you judge!


over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


戀愛是氧氣, 是最奢侈的保養品, 無法用錢買到的灌溉也最珍稀. On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, hokkien
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Member Since
July 18, 2007