Blog for the ladies!!!
I was honored to have had the opportunity to work with Jamie Coombes - London based makeup artist for Christian Dior! He came to HK to do an event of which I was invited to be his make up model. I really enjoyed it!
He taught me a few things in makeup:
Less is better!
Don't cake it on - keep the beautiful parts of your skin and cover the shady parts
Dark eye circles should be covered with foundation first - not concealer
Make sure your skin is moist before applying!
Do your smoky eyes first - then apply foundation
Confidence is the key to beauty (ok... that was my tip! :P )
Apply mascara to your inner eyeline to lengthen your lashes - i tried this at home it can get a little messy though... so practice makes perfect | 給女士們的網誌!!!
我很榮幸能夠跟Jamie Coombes合作。他是由倫敦Christian Dior來的專門化妝師﹗他被邀請到香港參與一個function。而我是被邀到來做他的化妝模特兒。我真的在享受中呢﹗
不要化得太濃 - 保留住你皮膚最靚的部份﹐只要在需要化妝的部份化妝就行了。
蓋黑眼圈該先用粉底 - 而不是用遮瑕
自信心是美麗的先要條件(好啦好啦﹗這提示是我加上去的﹗:P )
用睫毛膏涂在你的內眼線。這作用是用來伸長你的睫毛 - 我在家裡嘗試過。不過會有點亂。。。所以說呢﹐多練習便能得到完美效果。 | 给女士们的日志!!!
我很荣幸能够跟Jamie Coombes合作。他是由伦敦Christian Dior来的专门化妆师﹗他被邀请到香港参与一个function。而我是被邀到来做他的化妆模特儿。我真的在享受中呢 ﹗
不要化得太浓 - 保留住你皮肤最靓的部份﹐只要在需要化妆的部份化妆就行了。
盖黑眼圈该先用粉底 - 而不是用遮瑕
自信心是美丽的先要条件(好啦好啦﹗这提示是我加上去的!:P )
用睫毛膏涂在你的内眼线。这作用是用来伸长你的睫毛 - 我在家裡尝试过。不过会有点乱。。。所以说呢﹐多练习便能得到完美效果。