Celina Jade - my official artist profile -alivenotdead.com
Official Artist
Celina Jade
Actor , Singer , Model
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About Celina Jade

Hi there!

A little about myself, I am half Chinese half American, yet born and bred in Hong Kong. Went to a Chinese speaking school till I was 14 when I decided that a change was in need. Flew to New Jersey and attended a public school there, but got so bored out of my bum, that I flew back and changed to an international school back home. Yup, Hong Kong is my home, I love this place, the people, food, Chinese culture... Well, at 18 I was off to university in London where I attended the London School of Economics, had the best 3 years of life studying Management (the usual bunch... Econ/ Finance/ Management) then continued to study Music where my heart lies after that. I was signed to BMI as a songwriter in London then decided to come back home to pursue a career in the arts. I modelled for a while, to pay my bills, hosted at TVB Pearl for Dolce Vita for a bit, gigged with my band Jaded for a few months before I met Paco. He put me in my first film starring Wu Jing - the Legendary Assassin and I'll be recording my album shortly after. Fun times! Like I said, HK is an amazing and happening city, hopefully I'll learn and experience loads... something to tell my grandkids someday...

Love Celina Jade 盧靖姍

關於我的一點介紹:中美混血,香港出生、長大。我讀的是中文學校,直到14歲那年覺得應該有所改變,所以飛去新澤西就讀於當地的一所公立學校,但我很不喜歡寄宿生活,就回到家鄉換了一所國際學校。沒錯,香港是我的家。我愛這裏,愛這裏的人、美食和中國文化...18歲那年,我動身去倫敦的一所大學,在經濟學院學了三年的管理學(經濟金融學的常見學科),之後繼續學習我傾心的音樂。在倫敦我與BMI簽約成了一名創作人,繼而決定回到家鄉,在藝術領域發展我的事業。我做過一段時間的模特兒以維持生活,在TVB"港生活.港享受"節目擔任過主持,與我的樂隊Jaded演出了幾個月,直至遇到黃柏高。他介紹我首次觸電,參演了吳京主演的影片《狼牙》,不久後還我將錄制新專輯。多美好的時光! 正如我所說,香港是一個充滿奇跡和驚喜的城市,希望我能了解並體驗更多... 有朝一日可以講述給我的子孫後代聽...

Love Celina Jade 盧靖姍 | 大家好!

关于我的一点介绍:中美混血,香港出生、长大。我读的是中文学校,直到14岁那年觉得应该有所改变,所以飞去新泽西就读于当地的一所公立学校,但我很不喜欢寄宿生活,就回到家乡换了一所国际学校。没错,香港是我的家。我爱这里,爱这里的人、美食和中国文化...18岁那年,我动身去伦敦的一所大学,在经济学院学了三年的管理学(经济金融学的常见学科),之后继续学习我倾心的音乐。在伦敦我与BMI签约成了一名创作人,继而决定回到家乡,在艺术领域发展我的事业。我做过一段时间的模特儿以维持生活,在TVB"港生活.港享受"节目担任过主持,与我的乐队Jaded演出了几个月,直至遇到黄柏高。他介绍我首次触电,参演了吴京主演的影片《狼牙》,不久后还我将录制新专辑。多美好的时光! 正如我所说,香港是一个充满奇迹和惊喜的城市,希望我能了解并体验更多... 有朝一日可以讲述给我的子孙后代听...

Love Celina Jade 卢靖姗

Interesting facts about Celina Jade

Languages Spoken English,Cantonese,Mandarin
Location Hong Kong
Gender Female
English Name Celina Jade
Traditional Chinese Name 塞萊納(盧靖姍)
Simplified Chinese Name 塞莱纳(卢靖姗)
Member Since May 13, 2008
Fans 178
Profile Views 985,117


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Languages Spoken
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
May 13, 2008