I am leaving for Hawaii tomorrow morning. Very excited to be at the film festival. Plus the last time I was in Hawaii was more than 10 years ago. So I am gonna treat it as half work, half vacation.
I did in scene in shandong before I came back. The scene was me jumping into the dirty cold pond. In order to keep myself warm and not too wet. There is a way known by all production crew, is to food wrap the body underneath to cloth. But for this one, since the weather is so cold already, I didn't bother to take...Read more
Hey there
here are a few photos from these couples days of work. ranging from Hong Kong Calvin Klien event and the first day of Shan Dong TV drama
| 嘿,大家好 以下是最近工作的照片,其中有出席香港Calvin Klien活動及在山東拍攝電視劇第一天的定妝照。
| 嘿,大家好 以下是最近工作的照片,其中有出席香港Calvin Klien活动及在山东拍摄电视剧第一天的定妆照。
Here is a few pics from the commercial shoot in Shanghai with conroy. It was a 5 days shoot, and one of the day our working hours are as long as 20hours or so. I can not tell you what commercial it is yet. But it will be coming our in Asia region end of October. So stay tune..| 以下是在上海和子聰拍攝廣告的一些照片。我們拍攝了5天,其中有一天工作時間超長,有將近20個小時。目前我還不能透露廣告內容,但10月底就會在亞洲播放。敬請關註…
| 以下是在上海和子聪拍摄广告的一些照片。我们拍摄了5天,其中有一天工作时间超长,有将近20个小时。目前我还不能透露广告内容,但10月底就会在亚洲播放。敬请关注…
Times up. Leaving for shandong 栖霞, an hour away from煙台 YANTAI. tomorrow. No. actually stopping by Shanghai for a week to do a commercial shoot with conroy and then shandong.
Things had been hectic over the last two weeks trying to work out the schedules, so the commercial shoot and filming period won't clash. But it did. Anyway, it all work out now. Since I will be back in hong kong again for 2 days on the 6th of October for a Calvin Klein event , and leaving for a week to Hawaii on the 19th to 25th. I am taking so many ...Read more
here are two new headsculpt I promised to show you guys. One is another renditon of Indiana jones harrison ford. the other is a samurai from Edo period( takeda)
| 嘿, 這是答應過要給你們看的兩個頭像雕塑新作品,一個是《印第安納瓊斯》中的哈裏森•福特,另一個是日本江戶時代的武士(武田信玄)。
| 嘿, 这是答应过要给你们看的两个头像雕塑新作品,一个是《印第安纳琼斯》中的哈里森·福特,另一个是日本江户时代的武士(武田信玄)。
It has been awhile since I blog last time, I couldn't say I'm very busy, just nothing really interesting to share with you all. You know me, I am a pretty boring guy. beside work is work. When I am a home, just doing the basic home errands. I've been doing alots of Sculpting, but can not show my work out to the public yet.. Because those sculptures are commission work from a toy company, It is my job to keep it confidential until the product comes out!!
Once a week, I will meet up with AnD crew to play poke...Read more
today is my wife's birthday. we are going out celebrate.
go a leave her a birthday blessing, here is her link:
thanks all.