Here is a few pics from the commercial shoot in Shanghai with conroy. It was a 5 days shoot, and one of the day our working hours are as long as 20hours or so. I can not tell you what commercial it is yet. But it will be coming our in Asia region end of October. So stay tune..| 以下是在上海和子聰拍攝廣告的一些照片。我們拍攝了5天,其中有一天工作時間超長,有將近20個小時。目前我還不能透露廣告內容,但10月底就會在亞洲播放。敬請關註…
| 以下是在上海和子聪拍摄广告的一些照片。我们拍摄了5天,其中有一天工作时间超长,有将近20个小时。目前我还不能透露广告内容,但10月底就会在亚洲播放。敬请关注…
squeezing in some time to log on Alive not dead.| 擠出點時間登錄Alive Not Dead
I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.