Official Artist
Andrew Lin
Actor , 3D / CAD Modeller or Animator , Painter
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packing up.| 整理行囊

Times up.  Leaving for shandong 栖霞, an hour away from煙台 YANTAI. tomorrow. No. actually stopping by Shanghai for a week to do a commercial shoot with conroy and then shandong. 

Things had been hectic over the last two weeks trying to work out the schedules, so the commercial shoot and filming period  won't clash.  But it did.  Anyway, it all work out now.  Since I will be back in hong kong again for 2 days on the 6th of October for a Calvin Klein event , and leaving for a week to Hawaii on the 19th to 25th.  I am taking so many days off from filming.  I bet the production crew hates me.

I am not sure if there is internet access in shandong, since we are filming in the country side.  I really hope they do.   If not, I guess I won't be checking in on AnD site and blog.  crossing my fingers...

packing clothes for both warm and cold weather, It is hard to tell the weathers these days, it might turn cold in a week, or no winter at all.  Also stacking alots of instant noodles and cans with me. Just in case the food over there is nasty..

well.  off I go.... see ya!! | 時間到。明天要去山東棲霞,那裏距離煙臺一小時路程。不對,我會先在上海呆一周時間,跟子聰拍一個廣告。再到山東。

前兩周我一直在努力調整安排,使廣告和電視劇的拍攝不沖突。但他們還是沖突了。還好現在都解決了。中途我要回香港呆兩天,參加Calvin Klein在10月6日舉辦的活動,19-25日這一周要去夏威夷參加電影節。看來我要從拍攝中請好多天假,劇組的人會討厭我





| 时间到。明天要去山东栖霞,那里距离烟台一小时路程。不对,我会先在上海呆一周时间,跟子聪拍一个广告。再到山东。

前两周我一直在努力调整安排,使广告和电视剧的拍摄不冲突。但他们还是冲突了。还好现在都解决了。中途我要回香港呆两天,参加Calvin Klein在10月6日举办的活动,19-25日这一周要去夏威夷参加电影节。看来我要从拍摄中请好多天假,剧组的人会讨厌我





about 17 years ago 0 likes  61 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
bon voyage!
about 17 years ago
Take Care Bro ........ You'r gonne to be missed !!!! See U soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx Rozy
about 17 years ago
01 04 andrew
dan-fairy 我没有说中国不好, 水土不合会腹泻的.所以要带即时面. 请你小心说话.谢谢你.
about 17 years ago
01 04 andrew
我有说中国不好吗? 要赚中国人的钱就不要说中国不好! (这也是你的原句) 注意自己身体有什么不对的??我不明白为什么你要来扭曲我的话!! anyway thank you for your reply
about 17 years ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.

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Hong Kong
Member Since
March 23, 2007