First of all, I want to thank all the AND members for the birthday blessing, it made me feel so warm coming to our website and see so many people wishing me happy birthday. Also the crazy B-day party from the crew of AND. It was very fun and memorable. I have been drunk for the pass three nights. The boys made sure I had a good amount of booze and kept me happy. You guys are the Best!! (Pat, stephen, mark, boon, eric, raffi, min, alaric, berton, duc, Pat lee, dan, terence, conroy, willie, stanley etc.)
| 首先,想感謝所有AND會員給我的生日祝福。到網站看到有這麽多人祝我生日快樂,讓我感覺非常溫暖。還要感謝AND成員們幫我組織了瘋狂的生日party,很好玩也值得紀念。我過去三個晚上都喝多了。男生們覺得我有好酒量,也一直讓我開心。你們是最棒的!(Pat、stephen、mark、boon、ericraffi、min、alaric、berton、duc、Pat lee、dan、terence、conroy、willie、stanley等)。
| 首先,想感谢所有AND会员给我的生日祝福。到网站看到有这么多人祝我生日快乐,让我感觉非常温暖。还要感谢AND成员们帮我组织了疯狂的生日party,很好玩也值得纪念。我过去三个晚上都喝多了。男生们觉得我有好酒量,也一直让我开心。你们是最棒的!(Pat、stephen、mark、boon、eric,raffi、min、alaric、berton、duc、Pat lee、dan、terence、conroy、willie、stanley等)。
I also want to thank my fans from Hong Kong throwing a B-day party for me too. We chatted, eat, taking photos the whole afternoon. It was fun spending time with you gals. Especially want to thank yoey and mandy for organizing the party, and others for attending.( Mok, Karen, Julie, Emily, Money, Fa, Hongki etc.)
| 我還想感謝香港的粉絲也幫我辦了生日party。我們整個下午都在聊天、吃飯、合影,跟你們在一起真的很開心。特別要感謝yoey和mandy組織這場party,還有其他參加的人(Mok、Karen、Julie、Emily、Money、Fa、Hongki等)。
| 我还想感谢香港的粉丝也帮我办了生日party。我们整个下午都在聊天、吃饭、合影,跟你们在一起真的很开心。特别要感谢yoey和mandy组织这场party,还有其他参加的人(Mok、Karen、Julie、Emily、Money、Fa、Hongki等)。
a cake yoey made for me!!
| Yoey幫我做的蛋糕!!
| Yoey帮我做的蛋糕!!
I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.