Official Artist
Andrew Lin
Actor , 3D / CAD Modeller or Animator , Painter
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My first Oil Painting exhibition this month|我本月的第一個油畫展|我本月的第一个油画展

hey y'all

My exhibition is coming up,  April 21 at schoeni gallery on Hollywood road.  Any of you in Hong Kong are welcome to drop by and take a look.   I will be there hosting everyone. so if you like to come, please RSVP at the following link.


here are some information about the show  "Sins of Hong Kong"

Sins of Hong Kong sums up Lin’s observations and feelings from living in Hong Kong over the past 10 years. The dark mood and ‘zombie-like’ characters portrayed in his artwork reveal the negative energy accumulated within him through his encounters with people who are immersed in sins and ‘truly the representatives of the walking dead’. Bringing reference to the Seven Deadly Sins from the bible and employing well known historical figures such as Adolf Hitler, Lin’s dark grotesque caricatures draw parody and mockery of some of the ugliest truth and darkest sides of human nature. Other works entitled Claustrophobia and Life also reveal intense emotions and struggles of the human psyche as a result of living in a compact city like Hong Kong. To express his subject’s evilness and corruptness, Lin often employs symbolic metaphor represented through the distortion of the face and figures, as well as the signs of transformation into evil shown through their elongated canine teeth and ears. Lin’s cinematic background shows strong influence in his oeuvre, in terms of its idiom and representation, playing out evil and darkness through dialogue of the senses and visual appeal into the depths of our hearts.

“In a way, painting helps me to release the negative energy that I have accumulated through watching how these people live, eat, work or becoming successful. The act of painting is metaphoric of throwing all such negative energy into a trash can. It purifies me.” – Andrew Lin

24 Herbs







這裏是一些關於展覽"Sins of Hong Kong" (譯者註:香港的罪惡)的信息

Sins of Hong Kong總結了連凱定居香港10年的觀察與感受。他藝術作品中描繪的陰暗氛


聚的負面情緒。 參照了聖經裏的七宗罪,借用了著名歷史人物阿道夫·希特勒,連凱黑


和《Acting Life》也表現出因居住在像香港一般擁擠的城市而產生的強烈的情感和心靈上的

掙紮。 為了表達他題材的邪惡與腐敗,連凱經常運用象征性的隱喻:扭曲的面容和身段


來看都對他所有作品都有很大影響 - 通過感官的對話和深入人心的視覺呈現來演繹邪惡



起的負面情緒。繪畫這一舉動就好似把這些負面情緒丟進垃圾桶。它讓我得到凈化。"  — 連凱






这里是一些关于展览"Sins of Hong Kong" (译者注:香港的罪恶)的信息

Sins of Hong Kong总结了连凯定居香港10年的观察与感受。他艺术作品中描绘的阴暗氛


聚的负面情绪。 参照了圣经里的七宗罪,借用了著名历史人物阿道夫·希特勒,连凯黑


和《Acting Life》也表现出因居住在像香港一般拥挤的城市而产生的强烈的情感和心灵上的

挣扎。 为了表达他题材的邪恶与腐败,连凯经常运用象征性的隐喻:扭曲的面容和身段


来看都对他所有作品都有很大影响 - 通过感官的对话和深入人心的视觉呈现来演绎邪恶



起的负面情绪。绘画这一举动就好似把这些负面情绪丢进垃圾桶。它让我得到净化。"  — 连凯



hey y'all

My exhibition is coming up,  April 21 at schoeni gallery on Hollywood road.  Any of you in Hong Kong are welcome to drop by and take a look.   I will be there hosting everyone. so if you like to come, please RSVP at the following link.


here are some information about the show  "Sins of Hong Kong"

Sins of Hong Kong sums up Lin’s observations and feelings from living in Hong Kong over the past 10 years. The dark mood and ‘zombie-like’ characters portrayed in his artwork reveal the negative energy accumulated within him through his encounters with people who are immersed in sins and ‘truly the representatives of the walking dead’. Bringing reference to the Seven Deadly Sins from the bible and employing well known historical figures such as Adolf Hitler, Lin’s dark grotesque caricatures draw parody and mockery of some of the ugliest truth and darkest sides of human nature. Other works entitled Claustrophobia and Life also reveal intense emotions and struggles of the human psyche as a result of living in a compact city like Hong Kong. To express his subject’s evilness and corruptness, Lin often employs symbolic metaphor represented through the distortion of the face and figures, as well as the signs of transformation into evil shown through their elongated canine teeth and ears. Lin’s cinematic background shows strong influence in his oeuvre, in terms of its idiom and representation, playing out evil and darkness through dialogue of the senses and visual appeal into the depths of our hearts.

“In a way, painting helps me to release the negative energy that I have accumulated through watching how these people live, eat, work or becoming successful. The act of painting is metaphoric of throwing all such negative energy into a trash can. It purifies me.” – Andrew Lin

24 Herbs

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  41 comments  0 shares
Photo 74817
Niiiiiiiiice work!!! :)
almost 15 years ago
Photo 63849
awwwessomme coming! ahah
almost 15 years ago
Photo 327827
excellent, cant wait to see it :)
almost 15 years ago
Photo 53024
Awesome work!
almost 15 years ago
If I could afford it, this would be in my living room. I love it!
almost 15 years ago
Photo 23329
that's just brilliant !! hahah
almost 15 years ago
Photo 38281
yo bud, great piece here. am excited to see what else you got. am sure they will blow alot of people away. =]
almost 15 years ago
Photo 248210
congrats andrew! cant wait to see them, see u in HK : )
almost 15 years ago
Photo 443826
wow, andrew. never knew you could get down like that. awsome stuff
almost 15 years ago
Photo 51673
man! i had no idea you were so good at this! congratulations and all the best! wish i could come!
almost 15 years ago
Photo 23936
amazing as always man!
almost 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
totally can't wait!
almost 15 years ago
Palwong 45 palwong
Can't Wait, Support You~!
almost 15 years ago
Liannelin 1d liannelin
wow... you are so talented
almost 15 years ago
Photo 23697
Good seeing you in HK again! Didn't get to say bye! Anyway, have a great exhibition! :) I'll also be thinking of how I can utilize you in a possible "Manivore" remake for the Chinese market. Puahaha.
almost 15 years ago
Prodipleung 6a prodipleung
cool man !
almost 15 years ago
Photo 246443
almost 15 years ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
March 23, 2007