Official Artist
Aimee Chan
Actor , Model , Graphic Designer
699,883 views| 90  Posts

Children's Ambassador|兒童大使|儿童大使

Hi Everyone!!!!  I would like to share a few pictures from the kickoff ceremony for the Childrens Ambassador Kickoff event. I will be one of the Ambassadors of this year, including "Siu Yee", "William" and "Goo Sir". I'm sooooo excited to hang out with the children during the next few months. It will be a lot of fun because 4 of us are big kids too - he hee!  I absolutely LOVED  the super hero costumes and had to borrow the helmet for an interview and a quick camera shot! Isn't it just the most   a  d o r a b l e ? If I can be any superhero in the entire world, I would want to be one of the TRANSFORMERS... or SAILORMOON because I want the SAVE the world!!! ha ha!  Actually, My Nickname in highschool was Sailormoon because I always wore my hair in pigtails and was in a school uniform. =) And my classmates always laughed at me for laughing like a cartoon character! ha ha.   What superhero would you pick?xoxo, ME. | 喂﹐大家好!!!! 我想跟大家分享一些" 兒童大使啟動儀式”發佈會影的照片。我今年將會成為大使之一﹐還有"Siu Yee","William" 和"Goo Sir" 。我實在太興奮了﹐因為今後這幾個月可以跟小朋友一起。一定會很好玩﹐因為我們四個也是大細路 -  嘻嘻!  我真是非常喜愛這些超人服裝﹐還要借用這個頭盔做訪問和拍一個超快的相片!  這是不是最可愛呢?

如果可以選擇做世界上任何一位超人﹐我會想做變形今剛的其中一位。。。或者做美少女戰士﹐因為我想拯救地球!!! 哈哈!其實﹐我中學時的昵稱是美少女戰士﹐因為我的頭髮總是梳成雙辮子﹐而且穿着校服。 =)  而我的同學也時時笑我﹐因為我的笑聲很像卡通人物!  哈哈。  你會挑選那一位超級英雄?


我。 | 喂﹐大家好!!!! 我想跟大家分享一些" 儿童大使启动仪式”发佈会影的照片。我今年将会成为大使之一﹐还有"Siu Yee","William" 和"Goo Sir" 。我实在太兴奋了﹐因为今后这几个月可以跟小朋友一起。一定会很好玩﹐因为我们四个也是大细路 -  嘻嘻!  我真是非常喜爱这些超人服装﹐还要借用这个头盔做访问和拍一个超快的相片!  这是不是最可爱呢?

如果可以选择做世界上任何一位超人﹐我会想做变形今刚的其中一位。。。或者做美少女战士﹐因为我想拯救地球!!! 哈哈!其实﹐我中学时的昵称是美少女战士﹐因为我的头髮总是梳成双辫子﹐而且穿着校服。 =)  而我的同学也时时笑我﹐因为我的笑声很像卡通人物!  哈哈。  你会挑选那一位超级英雄?



over 15 years ago 0 likes  34 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
That's hot!
over 15 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Cool hat and shades... you're always at the forefront of fashion.
over 15 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
If I can be any Superhero, i would be Superman. Yes, kind of boring choice, but 'super' is my middle name in Chinese.
over 15 years ago
I'd be 叮當; he's a super hero of sorts if you think about it. He has an all-purpose gadgets bag and is always bailing out his friend 啊熊.
over 15 years ago
Photo 453287
呵呵, 可爱 ^^
over 15 years ago
Photo 87684
Super Aimee to the rescue!!!
over 15 years ago
Photo 98287
over 15 years ago


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED

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