Aimee Chan - my official artist profile
Official Artist
Aimee Chan
Actor , Model , Graphic Designer
699,883 views| 90  Posts

About Aimee Chan

Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED

Aimee Chan is“Miss Hong Kong 2006” where she also captured the “Miss Goodwill” and “Audience Favorite", title at the Miss Hong Kong Pageant on August 12,2006. She started her interest in acting & modeling at a very young age. At 16, she first signed with “Giovanni Models” in Toronto then signed with “B&M models” for more print modeling and commercial work. Her clients included industries ranging from cosmetics, electronics to condo developers.

In 2004, two years prior to winning Miss Hong Kong, Aimee Chan competed in Super Starz Search Modeling competition and captured both the “Championship” and “Star Quality” title during in which she played a piano piece that received a standing ovation. She gave up the modeling contract in order to continue with her graphic design studies at OCAD. Once graduated, she worked at several graphic design firms and fashion magazines before heading to Hong Kong.

During her reign as MHK 2006, she has participated in many international charity organizations including Salvation Army, Unicef and local Hong Kong charity organizations. She has also worked along side industry respected actors in on stage musical dramas, worked with Hong Kong's best as both main and accompanying MC, has performed martial arts, rope skipping tricks, music, and dance.

Aimee Chan is widely trained in martial arts, horse riding, ribbon dance, piano and various different types of other sporting activities. Quite a tom boy at heart, she’s not afraid of pain and is a quick learner. Her favorite all time sport is Ice hockey.

Her look and style can never be narrowed down to one particular style, thus making her a very flexible performer and actress. She can be made to look like the innocent girl next door, the tough kick boxer, a comedic goofy gal, the elegant princess or the emotionally depressed girlfriend. She is known for her innocent look, sweet smile and good work ethnics. A down to earth type of gal, it is hard to find a more genuine & deep soul.

Aimee Chan is passionate about film, design, fashion, music, travelling and animals.

| 2006年8月12日,陳茵媺奪得2006年“香港小姐”冠軍,同時獲得“國際親善小姐”和“最受觀眾歡迎”稱號。她很小就對表演和模特感興趣,16歲時,在多倫多和“Giovanni Models”公司簽約,之後成為“B&M models”,參加了很多平面拍攝和商業活動,很多行業包括化妝品、電器和房地產都找她代言。

2004年,也就是贏得港姐稱號的前兩年,陳茵媺參加了“Super Starz Search Modeling”(尋找模特超級明星)大賽,她彈了一首鋼琴曲,贏得滿堂喝彩,因而獲得冠軍和”Star Quality”等頭銜。但她為了在多倫多的藝術學校繼續學習繪圖設計,放棄了模特的簽約。畢業之後,她在幾個繪圖設計公司和時尚雜誌工作,直到來到香港。





| 2006年8月12日,陈茵媺夺得2006年“香港小姐”冠军,同时获得“国际亲善小姐”和“最受观众欢迎”称号。她很小就对表演和模特感兴趣,16岁时,在多伦多和“Giovanni Models”公司签约,之后成为“B&M models”,参加了很多平面拍摄和商业活动,很多行业包括化妆品、电器和房地产都找她代言。

2004年,也就是赢得港姐称号的前两年,陈茵媺参加了“Super Starz Search Modeling”(寻找模特超级明星)大赛,她弹了一首钢琴曲,赢得满堂喝彩,因而获得冠军和”Star Quality”等头衔。但她为了在多伦多的艺术学校继续学习绘图设计,放弃了模特的签约。毕业之后,她在几个绘图设计公司和时尚杂志工作,直到来到香港。





Interesting facts about Aimee Chan

Languages Spoken English,Cantonese,Mandarin
Location Hong Kong
Gender Female
English Name Aimee Chan
Traditional Chinese Name 陳茵媺
Member Since May 17, 2007
Fans 150
Profile Views 699,883


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED

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Languages Spoken
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
May 17, 2007