Official Artist
Aimee Chan
Actor , Model , Graphic Designer
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Burning Flame 3 (烈火雄心3)|烈火雄心3|烈火雄心3

Hi Everyone! =)
Yesterday the full cast of  烈火雄心3 ( Burning Flame 3 ) arrived in Tsuen Wan for our drama's premier. We dressed in our full uniforms...it was quite a sight! I'm thankful for this opportunity to take part in this great adventure since I'm a huge fan of 烈火雄心1 and 烈火雄心2. My Character "Easy" is a young police officer. She's forward, takes initiative, has heart and gutsy...wish I could say more but....烈火雄心3 comes out today at 9:30pm so stay tuned!  (he he) Double Espresso Latte Cheers! =) p.s. sorry I didn't get the opportunity take pix at the press con but will do so later on!  | 喂﹐大家好! =)

昨天﹐烈火雄心3 的全體演員到了 灣參加劇集的首映活動。我們都穿上齊整的制服。。。場面真是非常壯觀!  我很感激有這次的機會﹐有份參與這個偉大的歷險﹐因為我也是烈火雄心1 和烈火雄心2 的超級粉絲。

我飾演的角色"Easy" 是一位年輕的警察。她很直接﹐主動﹐很用心和有膽量。。。我都想說多一些但是。。。。

烈火雄心3 今天晚上9:30 播放了﹐記住留意收看! ( 嘻嘻)

雙倍義式濃縮 咖啡﹐謝謝! =)

p.s.  不好意思﹐我沒有機會在發報會上影照片﹐但是遲一點會拍照給你們!| 喂﹐大家好! =)

昨天﹐烈火雄心3的全体演员到了荃湾参加剧集的首映活动。我们都穿上齐整的制服。。。场面真是非常壮观! 我很感激有这次的机会﹐有份参与这个伟大的历险﹐因为我也是烈火雄心1和烈火雄心2的超级粉丝。


烈火雄心3今天晚上9:30播放了﹐记住留意收看! (嘻嘻)

双倍义式浓缩拿铁咖啡﹐谢谢! =)

p.s. 不好意思﹐我没有机会在发报会上影照片﹐但是迟一点会拍照给你们!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  20 comments  0 shares
Photo 446869
Cant wait!!!
over 15 years ago
Watched the first episode tonight. Liked it!
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
doh, i'm not back in HK til tomorrow. missed it! :-(
over 15 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
I saw the premiere coverage on TV. Congrats on being on this great show.
over 15 years ago


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED

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