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Who is Ken Tanaka (part 2 of 2)

*** SPOILER ALERT *** I would never write this blog had Ken Tanaka's own gallery showing not included a particular article from the cover of the LA Times Calendar (entertainment section).

Apparently Ken Tanaka has a long lost brother... analysis after this video:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eEt-4hb3YA

So, if you do end up watching a few Ken Tanaka videos, you might start to wonder if they're real - he's too much of a character.   Well, if you read this LA TIMES ARTICLE it becomes pretty clear that there is a bit of Borat to this Warhol situation.

So - why do I feature him?

David is a working actor.  He's not a household name, just a talented guy who gets work and probably has a second job (I think he might work at Royal-T, but that's just a hunch.)

Yet - He is on the cover of the LA Times Calendar section (a major los angeles entertainment paper) for an art show featuring silly sketches he makes.

He made himself interesting and whether there is someday a Ken Tanaka movie or TV show, he has put himself on the map as an interesting person.  His imdb rating has gone from 16k to 10k in the last week alone.

David exemplifies the idea of owning who you are as well.   He's not out trying to get a hair transplant and whatever else it would take to fit into "the mold."  He owns his presence and works it like an instrument - and it is paying off.

Now - if I was his advisor... which I'm not... but if your read my blog much, you know I like to pretend I am to everyone...   and you probably can guess what I'm going to say...   Right now - he's reached a certain success point and either he needs to take the Ken Tanaka thing to the next level with some type of spin on a movie or TV series - or even just by sparking up a new chapter in the youtube series - maybe he finds his parents and it launches into a whole dramatic thing - so it becomes something which has a throuoghline and would translate into a TV series type of format.  Or - he needs to invent something new - a new character and be "that guy who has all the funny really well developed characters."

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Photo 22998
Artists probably should worry more about obscurity than typecasting.
almost 16 years ago
Photo 31454
wow he is really interesting
over 15 years ago


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