A lot of people care about the environment and encourage cleaner electricity and slam other people who are big wasters of energy and greenhouse gas producers.
But what is the single biggest greenhouse gas producer on the planet?
Do you know?
If you could help stop it, would you?
I'll give you a hint. It's not cars.
In fact - it's a bigger problem than all the other categories combined!
Watch this video to find out:
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTS2Yp-UgI0 Read that one line agin - every SECOND an area of the rain forest the size of a football field is destroyed to produce 257 hamburgers...... This is 86,400 football fields... a day. That's a huge part of our planet.... if you can't quite grasp... know that a large footballs stadium hold 100,000 people.... so, if we say even a quarter of thos people would fit on a football field... then we can say that enough rain forrest to hold 2 billion people goes away every day.
...we live off that rain forrest.
Recently a friend sent me this video which reminded me of why I stopped eating land animals many many years ago when I had a conversation with someone which conveyed this same information and I just couldn't justify eating meat any more.
Now... know this... even though I became a pescaterian (fish and vegetable eater) so many years ago... I'm not saying meat-eaters are bad people - just asking people to consider the information when 1) wondering why I made the choice I made and 2) to consider it when they evaluate their own environmentalism.
Frankly, eating fish isn't the greatest thing for one's health or the planet either - so I'm not totally innocent - but I'm working on moderation and I wonder if the world might think of working on moderation about land animals. Just as oil is not sustainable - neither is our increasing world wide consumption of beef.
There are alternatives and they're really good.