Official Artist
Farini Chang
Actor , Singer
108,846 views| 17  Posts

Hello , everyone!

Hello everyone, How are you doing lately? MIss you guys a lot, i do.. Here is a vidio that a friend send to me, please watch. 

 with LOve.

 請 大 家 花 2 分 40 秒 看 這 片 段 . .

希 望 大 家 珍 惜 食 物 同 水 . .

有 小 小 心 理 準 備 以 下 片 段 . .

  • 最 未 2 張 相 . .

係 講 個 小 朋 友 冇 水 既 情 況 下 去 飲 動 物 既 尿 . .

同 埋 用 D 尿 洗 頭 . .

  • 而 最 後 一 張 相 . .

係 影 出 動 物 等 到 個 小 朋 友 餓 死 後 而 食 佢 D 肉 . .

最 後 呢 位 攝 影 師 因 為 內 疚 冇 救 到 位 小 朋 友 而 自 殺 . .

而 呢 張 相 ` 就 得 " 普 立 茲 獎 " . .

希 望 大 家 睇 完 呢 段 片 . .會 反 省 下 . .

同 時 . . FORWARD 比 你 既 朋 友 `

p.s. After i watch this,i told myself not to  to waste any food , not even a single bite of bisuit.... Video: http://http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=q58_1bCh2ig

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
this is tough.
almost 17 years ago
Photo 33305
Hello Farini, it's Joe again from RTHK. Don't know if you remember. I am working on an independent film right now that will be submitted to the Sundance Film Festival in Utah and Cannes Film Festival in France. I want to ask if you do indie films yourself. You are definately a big star in my books and it will be nice to have the opporunity to work with you. I can send you more info on this project if you are interested. Thanks Farini. Joe
almost 17 years ago
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over 16 years ago


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