Official Artist
Farini Chang
Actor , Singer
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Farini still in USA

Is almost 3 months since i arrived from Hong Kong. I am planning to spend the Christmas here in USA, is also my 1st time to spend time here in Christmas and the New year. The last time i was in States was 2 years ago around Chinese New Year and i had a great time with my cousin Mic and Mabel and Uncle Don. This year, i know it will be very fun because i am meet some interesting people in States also will have chance to meet with some film people around in States in ATL and CLT. I am very much enjoy speaking in english and have a very litt...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


I had attend Jeanne"s acting class on the 13th of this month. How can i start because there are so much to tell. As English is my 2nd language, it takes courage to practice any new scene in front of other actors, directors, producer and script writers . Not only that, I never had any acting training class before, i never join in any drama team or any workshop is related to acting, because i never thought that i will go for the acting career...  i am in this show business by chance, so i don't know the way i present my acti...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Time to be CARE



老太太見的是一位風濕關節炎專科的女醫生。我協助老太太進了醫生的房間慢慢地坐下後,醫生在電腦屏幕前看完她的病歷,就臉無笑容、禮貌但是態度冷漠的問她上次給開的藥吃了效果如何? 老太太靦腆的回答沒有吃那些葯,原因是它們的副作用太多也太強,她恐怕身體承受不了,因為自己一人獨居,每天要張羅基本的起居飲食已經困難重重,要是再因為藥物副作用導致不適而臥床的話,身邊沒有人照料,那情況是相當孤苦和艱辛的,所以考慮再三還是決定不吃,努力忍痛就算了。醫生聽了老太太的話,完全沒有認同眼前這位老病人內心的憂慮和無助,臉上不悅之情一覽無遺,繼之再聽到老太太說家庭醫生將會給她做肝、腎功能的檢查,並且亦有給她開輕量的止痛藥片等,馬上更加冷峻的指出既然家庭醫生能夠照顧老太太健康方面的需要,也就沒有再來見她的必要了,因為既然她開的藥病人選擇不服用,這是拒絕治療的表示,那麼她已經無能為力,來看她也只是枉然,說完了就站起來送客,老太太這時對醫生的反應有點不知所措,我無言以對,...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

I am back

Hey guys!!

Thank you for all your greeting to me, i am very blessed to have you as my friends and supporters. Really! I have been working very hard and busy cus things and work coming in a very tight timetable. Now i finally can give myself a short break. Free too drop me any note or telling me " how have you been lately. Is nice to hear from you, even just A WORD. Love and hope all you guys doing well !!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

A Vision of Teaching

    Dear Friends, Just want to share a email that i had receive today...    Hope this story trigger some thoughts in you.         倒數 (一個很有意思的故事) 

從事投資顧問的我,從來都很愛自己的家人,愛自己的伴侶。至少,我以為是這  樣。 

我每天的主要工作是緊貼著香港及美國股市,就是這樣,已經花掉大半生時  間。餘下的時間就安置在情人、朋友、及家人身上。為了《愛得太遲》的內容,為了對家人、情人的內疚感而流過眼淚,但淚痕風化後,仍雖繼續為「將來」而賣  命。為了《無事常相見》的歌詞,為了曾被冷落的好友而眼淺過,但深呼吸一口氣,還是要營役餘生。 

為了未能抽空回家團年,為了未能抽空陪女朋友驗身,我們竟花得起寶貴的時  間來冷戰。但我想,父母、伴侶,都是最親的人,應該會明白的。 

我的生日快要來臨,但沒有期待過,因為,根本沒甚麼值得慶祝。反而,想一  個人靜下來,享受一刻的寧靜。在南丫島的度假屋內,我準備感受一個較孤單的生  日。 

在晚上,靜坐在度假屋的露台,沐浴...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Busting my ass

Hello EveryOne

Hey, i am back and sorry to take so long to catch up with you guys... I am actually more busy than ever because i am working on a project to organize a concert at the end of June in Explo (close to the new airport). This is my 1st time to host such a thing like that.., a bit of pressure ..Eeeeeee..

Friends, i do miss you all, drop me something to Make Me LAUGH lah! Please!!  Love you! ^^

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

Hello , everyone!

Hello everyone, How are you doing lately? MIss you guys a lot, i do.. Here is a vidio that a friend send to me, please watch. 

 with LOve.

 請 大 家 花 2 分 40 秒 看 這 片 段 . .

希 望 大 家 珍 惜 食 物 同 水 . .

有 小 小 心 理 準 備 以 下 片 段 . .

  • 最 未 2 張 相 . .

係 講 個 小 朋 友 冇 水 既 情 況 下 去 飲 動 物 既 尿 . .

同 埋 用 D 尿 洗 頭 . .

  • 而 最 後 一 張 相 . .

係 影 出 動 物 等 到 個 小 朋 友 餓 死 後 而 食 佢 D 肉 . .

最 後 呢 位 攝 影 師 因 為 內 疚 冇 救 到 位 小 朋 友 而 自 殺 . .

而 呢 張 相 ` 就 得 " 普 立 茲 ...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

A Blessing to me

Hello EveryOne , this song when i 1st time listen to it, it makes me tear. So beautiful and so ture to me. So I want to share with you all. Enjoy!

Video: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPmmWCez4I0 I pray, for I am so limit


I pray, for I clearly know that I need


To seek Your will as it's shown to me


I pray, for I am searching


I pray, for Your love is what I need

 Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

I have been picked...

Ooh, I have been picked by ---Aka Gray yah, hoh===

Answer these questions follows. Then delete one of the question you do not like and add a new question. There should be 20 questions in total. Pass it on to 11 people and list those people who will need to answer those question. Notify them by signing on their guestbook and tell them that they have been picked. The chosen ones will have to answer those questions. They will then be forever Blessed by GOD and Everyone.

The 11 chosen ones will have to mention who picked the...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Please feel free to leave me messages

Hey Every friends, Suger Family, Fans, Handsome!! I have to work very hard for a Stage Play, so i will not be able to have much time  to get on line as usual because i have to learn new dance and songs for the Play. So leave me ANYTHING you wa ...hahaha!!

about 17 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares


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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
December 15, 2007