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24Herbs and Sam Lee at G-Shock Shock The World Tour Party

Despite the rain, I went over to CLIQ for the G-Shock party on Friday night.

Sam Lee arrives with his Sub-Crew team. Also Kevin from CL0T

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about 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Hong Kong Film Review: "Short of Love" (矮仔多情)

If you like HK style comedies (modest budget, simple plot, cheap laughs), "Short of Love" (矮仔多情) shouldn't disappoint. 

Wong Cholam (王祖藍) does a pretty good job as a businessman who unsuccessfully to go after a string of beautiful women (played by Race Wong (黃婉伶), JJ (賈曉晨) and Kate Tsui (徐子珊), all the while running into th...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Macau - the City of Dreams!

Last Thursday Swang and I took the boat over to Macau for a meeting:

the Google Maps app on the iPhone kicks ass! :-D

we took the brand new shuttle bus to the brand new 'City of Dreams' casino.  The bus was so new it still had '...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  21 comments  0 shares

Kansai 09 - Ebisu Bashi (戎橋) in Downtown Osaka

After visiting the two castles,  my friend Sa-chan and I had one more place to visit.  We took the train back to downtown Osaka and went to the Nanba part of downtown,  after some CD shopping we went to the Ebisubashi (戎橋) landmark of town and its neighboring street and canal called 'Dontonbori' ( 道頓堀).

さ-ちゃん友達とお城跡一緒観光した後、大阪の中央区へ行った。難波の隣の 道頓堀へ行った。実は僕の目的は関西の一つだけの一蘭ラーメン屋!下の写真を見て下さい。

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over 15 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

A brief primer on Japanese castles (for those who are curious)

note: If you have no interest in Japanese castles,  please skip this blog! :-P

In the comments to my recent blogs about my most recent Japanese castle trips, Flagday asked some good...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

Kansai 09 - My Kobe trip - pt 2 - Creepy Dolls...

I guess I'm going out of order,  here's something that happened on Sunday afternoon when I went to Kobe with Radwynn, Koko and Cocoa. 

Radwynn suggested we stop by an interesting mall that specialized in games, anime, models and action figures and collectible dolls, etc.   These kind of specialty shops are relatively rare in Japan outside of places like Akihabara... and as you can imagine, they're also very entertaining to browse through in many ways.  Even though its against the rules,  ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  25 comments  0 shares

Kansai 09 - Yet More Japanese Castles - Koriyama Castle (郡山城)

Next up on the 2009 edition of my Castle Tour of the Kansai region , after Shoryuji Castle, was the ruins of Koriyama Castle (郡山城) in the city of Yamatokoriyama ( 大和郡山市) in Nara Prefecture ( 奈良県).  It was about 1 hour Kyoto by Kintetsu Rail.

次行ったの日本のお城跡は郡山城...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares

Kansai 09 - More Japanese Castles - Shoryuji Castle (勝竜寺城)

On Monday morning I went Kyoto Prefecture to meet up with my old friend Sa-chan and do some of my favorite kind of sightseeing in Japan... She lives on the other side of Kyoto so we met directly at our destination, the small farming city of Nagaokakyo (長岡京市).

今週月曜日朝、関西の旅行時、さちゃんの友達一緒にお城の観光した。僕の趣味一つは Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares

Music Matters Night at The Cavern

On Wednesday Night Music Matters hosted a music night at the Cavern in LKF.  They organized a number of bands to perform over the course of the night.

These guys are Chochukmo,   they're completely NOT my style... but other people really liked them. 

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over 15 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

Music Matters Asia Conference 2009

This past week Hong Kong was host to the Music Matters Asia conference.  In brief its a music industry conference addressing the business side of music.  alivenotdead.com worked with the organizers to promote the event and to bring artists to attend.  They generously offered free registration to AnD artists too, which is a great opportunity for artists big and small to learn a bit to hopefully help their careers. 

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over 15 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares


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April 13, 2007