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Cup Noodles Tram!

I spotted this thing a few times on my way to work on the bus, but I never had my camera ready to shoot it.  Luckily it passed me on the street in Central finally.  Its a giant Cup Noodles Promotional Tram! they took one of the party trams and decked it out w/ Cup Noodles promo stickers...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares

Cosplay Sandwich + Yet More bling iPhone covers from Shenzhen

I went back across to Shenzhen last weekend with a friend who will remain nameless.   I did a good 90 minutes of biking and then met him at the train station to go across the border.   Once into the wild world of Shenzhen, we took the subway to Dong Men.  I wanted to exchange a bad iPhone cable I had bought from a shop there last time.   This was t...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares

Thee Out Mods Asia Tour at Fringe Club in HK!

At the end of July a Japanese Punk Band named ' Thee Out Mods' joined our site, they were trying to get the word out about their visit to HK at the time.   I went to their show in Kwuntong and had a really good time.  I was really looking forward to seeing t...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

China's 60th Anniversary Parade in Slow Mo and Time Lapse

Loyal Etchy blog readers will remember that I got TOTALLY SCREWED by the PLA  last month while I was up in Beijing.  They did a practice for the National Day Parade and closed the subway and main road all night (and totally pissed me off).  The worst part was I didn't get to see the actual National Day Parade on TV (because my TV was broken that night actually... see my forthcoming blog on that sub...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares

Sora Aoi in Hong Kong! (香港で蒼井そらを見た!我見到簧片明星蒼井空在香港!)

Wednesday Night I went to Yami Mak's 'Lucky8IGHT 2nd Anniversary' Event at Cliq.   The party featured performances by the Katsuyaku Girls and special guest Sora Aoi ( 蒼井そら/蒼井空).  If you don't know who ...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares

More Shenzhen fun: Handstand Boy of Dong Men and bling iPhone covers from China

I took a quick trip over the border last Sunday night to Shenzhen. On the way out of the subway I spotted this:yes, that is a kid doing handstand in the middle of the subway exit with a McDonalds cup out in front of him...    in China you're competing with millions of other people, so just regular panhandling is not enough, you gotta diffe...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Weird reverse wrap around glasses guys in Shenzhen

Last last week while across the border in Shenzhen on the subway. if I'm taking pictures of random people on the street or train, I try to obscure their identity by pixelating their faces. ( like this time when I blogged about the guy with the weird ear-clip headphones)  In this case I wanted to blog about the glasses I saw these guys wearing, so I th...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

Korean Movie Review - 'Spare'

Korean action movie, SPARE, featuring alivenotdead.com artist Koga Mitsuki (who you may remember was the dart throwing guy in Shinobi).  Its hard for me to actually rate this film because the copy I found in China had English subtitles that looked like they were a goog...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

The Message (風聲) Premiere in Hong Kong

On Tuesday night, we were lucky enough to get invited to the premiere of the Mainland China coproduced film 'The Message' ( 風聲 ) We had no idea what the film was about going into it, but it was actually very good. You can read my review here:http://www.alivenotdead.com/etchy/Chinese-Film-Review-The-Message--profile-773522.html昨天晚上我參加大陸片' 風聲 '的香港的首映.  電影的主人大部分都在! 請看看我的照片吧! I was surprised t...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Chinese Film Review: The Message (風聲)

We got tickets to the Hong Kong premiere of the new Mainland movie, 'The Message' (Chinese title is 'Feng Shang', 風聲) starring Zhou Xun, Li Bingbing, Zhang Hanyu, Alec Su Youming and Zhang Xiaoming and co-directed by Chen Guofu and Gao Qunshu.We didn't know anything about the film going into it other than the artwork on the poster:Turns out this is an espionage triller s...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!

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April 13, 2007