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Korean Movie Review - 'Spare'

Korean action movie, SPARE, featuring alivenotdead.com artist Koga Mitsuki (who you may remember was the dart throwing guy in Shinobi).  Its hard for me to actually rate this film because the copy I found in China had English subtitles that looked like they were a google translation of the Chinese subtitles (which may or may not have been actually accurate in the first place).    But since its an action movie certain things are easy to follow even without understanding anything (I could understand some of the Japanese dialogue, but not much of the Korean).Basic premise is that a Japanese gangster is sent over to Korea to look for someone who tried to kill his boss, he reluctantly teams up with the Korean gang member who is assigned to him and eventually they both end up settling their scores.  The plot is basically an excuse for a lot of fight scenes, which is fine, the fighting is pretty good.  The reason I watched it (other than my general enjoyment of Korean cinema in all its genres) is that Mitsuki Koga plays the cool-as-ice Yakuza guy.  You may know he has a background as a boxer in Japan and its evident from his fighting style in the movie,  but he also has some bad ass jujitsu scenes and some good karate kicks on display too.  The real high flying kicks come from the Korean guys (the protagonist and the bad guys).  They show a lot of fancy Taekwondo spinning kicks.  I can't fairly rate the movie because of the subtitle problem.  If you can get a copy w/ decent subtitles AND you like martial arts movies,  I think you'll enjoy this.   But I enjoyed it even w/o understanding everything. :-P

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
Photo 37580
Hmm I want to see that movie now, also because of Koga Mitsuki.
almost 15 years ago
Photo 49112
aaah... the famous "i-jump_and-kick-your-face" style, typical in korean movie! Love it haha
almost 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
zhou - when they're not kicking eachother in the head, they're slapping eachother on top of the head... something wrong w/ korean society! :-P
almost 15 years ago


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