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Sora Aoi in Hong Kong! (香港で蒼井そらを見た!我見到簧片明星蒼井空在香港!)

Wednesday Night I went to Yami Mak's 'Lucky8IGHT 2nd Anniversary' Event at Cliq.   The party featured performances by the Katsuyaku Girls and special guest Sora Aoi ( 蒼井そら/蒼井空).  If you don't know who she is,  what ever you do,  do NOT do a google image search for her name (especially if you disable 'safe search'!) 香港で蒼井そらを見た!我見到簧片明星蒼井空在香港! Anyway,   the Katsuyaku girls were performing when we arrived:But it was WAY too crowded so I had to settle for taking a pic on the TV from the back. ;-)When Sora actually showed up it was pretty amazing...  i look it more as a testament to the popularity of Japanese AV in Hong Kong more than anything else:A sea of eager faces. :-PI didn't even try to negotiate through that to see the stage portion of her appearance.  Unfortunately Sora doesn't apparently speak much English, if any... much less Cantonese.  As a japanese speaker it kind of pained me to see that they didn't really have a good translator lined up.  I would have happily volunteered! Actually the other reason I didn't try to fight my way up to the front was because I knew it'd be better in the long run to hang out in the VIP area in the back.  After being on stage for a few minutes,  Sora was ushered to this area and did some press photo ops.   Suddenly I had a front row seat. :-PShe is pretty cute in person,  but its hard to believe that is the same girl that you see in pics like this:(downloaded from the internet, not taken by me!)Unlike many HK celebs,  not afraid to promote the sponsor, 42 Below Vodka excessively.  :-Pvery eager press contingent.   One other thing I forgot to mention, she is REALLY petite...  like 5'1"...    Anyone who has held a real 42 Vodka bottle in their hand knows they're not actually that big around. But I suppose for her line of work,  the smaller you are, the bigger everything else looks.  :-PAnyway,  I didn't get a chance to actually say hi,  but I did talk to her manager in Japanese very briefly.    After going back out on stage again they wisked her out the exit very quickly before the crowd control got out of hand.  In the meanwhile I finally met at least one of the Katsuyaki girls:I can't say the photographer did a good job of properly framing this pic. :-PAnd the rest of us had fun,  AV stars or not. :-PCongrats to Yamiand Lucky8ight! 

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
Photo 23794
oh you were there, i didnt know! I saw there's a translator in the airport & hotel, but I didn't know he's in the party or not, and...the party was totally out of control.....someone broke our hd camera's light@@ and we all got alcohol on the cameras..yuck..
almost 15 years ago
is she hot in real ?
almost 15 years ago
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xinanyae - i didn't notice, i was looking at something else. :-P
almost 15 years ago
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joanne - why guess? just do a search for her videos and all doubt will be erased from your mind... :-P
almost 15 years ago
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Joanne - I fully endorse "if you've got it, flaunt it." :-P
almost 15 years ago
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almost 15 years ago
Photo 470034
almost 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i agree!
almost 15 years ago


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